Diario del proyecto NPSOPDX24 April Native Plant APPRECIATION Month, BioBlitz!

15 de mayo de 2024

Thank you for Appreciating Native Plants

Thank you all for participating in our (Native Plant Society: PDX chapter) Annual Native Plant Appreciation Month (NPAM) BioBlitz, whether you chose to join the project or just found your observations being snapped up into our Project. If they were added, it means that they were identified by enough others to be considered Research Grade. Of course there is still plenty of room for misidentifications, but we keep this requirement in the hopes that our observations will be a valid demonstration of the plants that are commonly seen during the month of April.

Of course our observations would just be pretty photos unless the dedicated folks that spend time identifying plants were busy behind the scenes. Many thanks to all of you. I know that I learn a lot about various plants when taking the time to make close observations and use my other resources in this process.

As expected, the Trilliums, Fringe Cups, Stream violets, Fawn Lily, Nutall's Toothwart were all at the top of the observation list. This year at least the Red Flowering currant, also known as Winter Currant on the Oregon Flora website was blooming right on schedule.

Another surprise of the ahead of schedule bloom time, noted on our hikes, was the fact that the Oso berry had already started bearing fruits, which made it even more obvious to tell the males from the females!

Enjoy the floral show as you get out and explore the Wildflowers of May.


Publicado el mayo 15, 2024 06:31 TARDE por schallle schallle | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de abril de 2024

Native Plant Appreciation Month begins!

We are off to a very good beginning for a Monday start! As of this posting observations from twelve people are logged in to NPSO-PDX Chapter's bioblitz! Not surprisingly, Pacific Trillium (Trillium ovatum) has taken an early lead, and one which probably won't be relinquished given the previous two years' results.
Time will tell how many species we will log this year. Even though counting species and logging observations is important, the point of it all is to get out and enjoy looking (and recording) our native plant species. Who knows, along the way you may see something new and surprising! Today on my short walk in Mount Talbert Nature Park, Happy Valley, I discovered an approximately 35' tall Dogwood tree that I had never seen before, and it was blooming already! Have fun, and enjoy the beauty around you.

Publicado el abril 1, 2024 10:57 TARDE por geographerdave geographerdave | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
