North side - 3/17/2020

North side - 3/17/2020
March 17, 2020 (Tuesday) 9:30 am – 11:45 am: 2 live newts, 114 new dead newts, many of them fresh. 3 of them were tiny juveniles.
The weather was cold and sunny, a bit windy.
It has been raining in San Jose on Saturday-Monday, and everything was pretty wet. Some of the little creeks were flowing. There were many freshly killed newts. Since last time I was able to remove almost all dead newts from the road, most of the dead ones today were documented. Since they were wet, this time I was able remove ALL NEWTS. Next week all dead newts will be new.
I found a male newt crossing the road, from the lake to the hillside. I moved it to the other side... I saw another live newt in the little pool by the limekiln trailhead.
Other roadkills - many earthworms - I recorded only a few, 1 caterpillar, 1 centipede, 2 snakes.
Coverage: north part - the county park parking lot till the second stop sign.
Rainfall: (MTD: 1.91 in; YTD: 17.12 in). Data from -
Traffic: 1 truck (not gravel, but came out of the quarry, and went west on ABR), 24 cars (including maintenance pickup trucks, 1 SJJJ), 4 bikes, 25 pedestrians.

Publicado el marzo 17, 2020 10:12 TARDE por merav merav


Thanks for saving the male newt, @merav! You're the best.
I wasn't sure you'd be going out today because of the Santa Clara County Shelter-in-Place order due to COVID-19. I guess it's OK to go out as long as we stay 6 ft. away from others?

Publicado por truthseqr hace más de 4 años

yes. I read the official message - you can go out hiking! I was so relieved to read that...

Publicado por merav hace más de 4 años

@merav: I'm relieved too. How would we survive this without nature?
Good thing you got a chance to visit with your family before countries started closing their borders!

Publicado por truthseqr hace más de 4 años

I've taken walks at Fremont Older the past few days, and more people than usual are participating in nature therapy. Which is of course great, but makes it oddly more challenging for social distancing. So still, be safe. I'll do the south side today.

Publicado por newtpatrol hace más de 4 años

I also saw more kids hiking yesterday. I think it's really important to be outside, but we have to keep our distance...

Publicado por merav hace más de 4 años

There's snow on the Diablo Range this morning. I so wanted to take her to play in the snow.

Publicado por truthseqr hace más de 4 años

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