FIRST RESULTS of the Personal Bioblitz 2022 - you did it again!

So, you did it all again, broke all records!

Personal Bioblitz 2022 Results:

70460 observations (NEW RECORD!)

9189 species (NEW RECORD!)

113 participants (not a new record, but the record is 114 from 2021, so we just needed two more participants to break the record)

3048 identifiers (NEW RECORD! This is the number of people that helped identify what we all saw)

More detailed statistics about who and what will be summarized soon and sent out next week.

Fantastic everyone!!!

Lena Struwe

Publicado el junio 3, 2022 12:59 TARDE por vilseskog vilseskog



Publicado por nicklambert hace casi 2 años

Is there a deadline to submit observations made before May 15?

Publicado por pffoster hace casi 2 años

Yes, the deadline was May 22. Sorry, it wasn't announced very prominently, but it was listed in the most recent announcement 2 weeks before May 15.

Publicado por vilseskog hace casi 2 años

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