WA Forest Survey - Please spend a few minutes to do this online survey it will help our endangered black cockatoos.

WA Forest Alliance
@WAForestAlliance · Community MEDIA RELEASE WAFA welcomes Government move to ask public about logging our SW forests | 22nd June 2021
The WA Forest Alliance has welcomed a landmark move by WA Environment Minister Amber -Jade Sanderson to consult the public about the future management of WA’s forests.
Minister Sanderson today announced a new survey calling for input on whether logging should continue in what remains of WA’s South West forests.
“We know from recent polling that the overwhelming majority of West Australians want to see the full protection of all remaining forests in the South West. For the first time ever, the State Government has now formally opened that conversation,” said WAFA convener Jess Beckerling.
“This survey is a perfect illustration of just how much the conversation around the South West forests has changed over the past decade,” said Ms Beckerling.
The survey is the first stage of public consultation as the State Government starts work towards the development of the next 10-year Forest Management Plan (FMP) (2024-2033).
“The current FMP was written under the Barnett Government and the emphasis was heavily placed on handing the forests over to industrial logging: largely for woodchip, firewood and charcoal. Since then, 10 football fields of precious, publicly owned Jarrah and Karri forests have been logged or cleared every single day,” said Ms Beckerling.
“Now, with the upcoming expiry of the current FMP and overwhelming calls for forests to be protected this is the best opportunity we have ever had to protect the South West forests once and for all," she said.
Ms Beckerling said the calls for forest protection were coming in loud and clear from climate and biodiversity scientists; First Nations people and groups; the community in general; and South West business such as ecotourism operators and beekeepers who rely on protected native forests.
“We urge everybody to fill in this survey and clearly indicate that there should be no further logging whatsoever of our South West forests.
“We have already logged and cleared 90% of the forest and woodland habitat in this Global Biodiversity Hotspot – we can’t afford to lose any more. The forests and their wildlife, the streams and rivers, the rainfall, and the climate itself depend on their urgent protection.
“WAFA commends Minister Sanderson and the McGowan Government for this open, thorough and genuinely consultative first step in the development of the next Forest Management Plan which must be a plan that fully and securely protects all of our remaining South West forests,” Ms Beckerling said.
The survey can be found at http://bit.ly/WAForestSurvey and we encourage everyone to fill it out ASAP.
We'll have more info to share shortly - watch this space!

Publicado el junio 22, 2021 09:52 MAÑANA por kezzza4 kezzza4


When I go to the page, there is text at the bottom saying "take the survey" but I am unable to click on it. Is there anything that I'm missing?

Publicado por snakesrcool hace alrededor de 3 años

Thanks, finished now.

Publicado por snakesrcool hace alrededor de 3 años

Awesome. Thank you :)

Publicado por kezzza4 hace alrededor de 3 años

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