Diario del proyecto Scott Bader Hammarsdale, SOUTH AFRICA

01 de noviembre de 2022

Great Southern Bioblitz at Scott Bader (Pty)!

We decided to take part in the Great Southern Bioblitz for our city, eThekwini (Durban: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2022-ethekwini). I managed to persuade some lepidopterist friends to come up to site. In town was Hermann Staude, one of the world's top moth experts, who was president of LepSoc Africa before me and is just finishing a Field Guide to Moths of Southern Africa. Plus a few youngsters and a Mom. We put up a couple of mercury vapour moth traps (they don't harm the moths) on Saturday evening, and came back at first light to photograph what we'd caught. We didn't only get moths... spiders, beetles, a real mini-menagerie. I don't know what the security guys thought of these mad people running around in the dark waving cameras around. One of them told me he regularly sees snakes on the night shift. I'm going to show him how to make iNaturalist records on his phone.
In total we made nearly 90 lepidoptera records, 52 of which have been identified. Over the Bioblitz we made 148 records in total, exactly 100 of which have been identified to species level - and some of the youngsters still have to upload theirs. Hermann still has to identify most of the moths - he's still off in the bush somewhere on his way home to Johannesburg...
We recorded at least six amphibian species - which was very encouraging considering how few we heard when Jeanne Tarrant visited us a few weeks ago. The froggy chorus was deafening in the wetland: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/140388377 (my phone is not too good at recording sound so turn your speakers right up!)
The Bioblitz itself was a great success; nearly 5200 observations across the city with yours truly, Steve Woodhall, 9th in the observers league table with 183 observations and 92 species (I spent some time in one of the nature reserves with some LepSoc friends on the Saturday morning).
The notice I gave the people at work was a bit short, so we didn't get any takers from the staff. Next time I'll arrange a bit more advance publicity.

Publicado el noviembre 1, 2022 07:56 TARDE por stevewoodhall stevewoodhall | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de mayo de 2022

First Team meeting

We just held the first meeting of the Scott Bader Global Biodiverity Monitoring team, and it's a go! We can all start recording sightings ASAP. Even old records will be accepted. For them to be assigned to the Project, each site needs to send Steve a .kml Shape file, that can be created in Google Earth or supplied by the site's management from municipal records.

Publicado el mayo 25, 2022 01:09 TARDE por stevewoodhall stevewoodhall | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de marzo de 2022

Getting started

Added a few past records taken at the site, where I can remember exactly where I saw them.

Publicado el marzo 29, 2022 05:39 TARDE por stevewoodhall stevewoodhall | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Some links:

Publicado el marzo 29, 2022 10:31 MAÑANA por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
