Free Yellowknife Pollinator Steward Training Workshop

Hi everyone,

Pollinator Partnership Canada is hosting a free 2 day in-person Pollinator Steward Training workshop on Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre!

Register at

Saturday, June 1st - we will cover some of the basics including who the pollinators are, why they are important, and factors that are impacting their populations. We will also cover bee biology and how to identify different bee groups, as well as habitat creation that supports pollinators.

Sunday, June 2nd - will feature a behind the scenes tour at the museum where we will get to see some historical plant and pollinator specimens. We will have a guest presentation by GNWT Environment and Climate Change covering the status of bees in the north. We will then talk about outreach and community science. And if the weather is nice, we will finish off the workshop by going outside and observing bees around the museum.

If you have any questions about the workshop you can email me at

Publicado el mayo 21, 2024 04:03 TARDE por anthcolangelo anthcolangelo


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