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Vida (Vida)




Abril 8, 2024 a las 08:43 TARDE EDT


freshwater, plankton net watersample

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Abril 24, 2024 a las 11:54 MAÑANA CST

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Abril 26, 2024 a las 07:02 TARDE EDT

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Mayo 6, 2024 a las 11:39 MAÑANA EDT


From a 7m plankton tow. About 180 microns wide.

Other Animals

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Animales (Reino Animalia)




Marzo 13, 2023 a las 10:34 MAÑANA PDT

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Mayo 6, 2024 a las 01:34 TARDE EDT


Second observation of S. niagarae, this time to show the presence of chitin fibrils, just like its close relative in the Stephanodiscaceae, Cyclotella (or Stephanocyclus). The second shot shows a full fibril. It is twice as long as the cell is wide. I can't find literature reports of fibrils on this genus, but maybe the whole family has them.

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Vida (Vida)




Febrero 2024


These red "spores" were found all over a small moss growing on vertical sandstone. Can't do better than life. Maybe a lichen? I don't believe it's part of the moss. Any help is appreciated.

Other Animals

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Animales (Reino Animalia)




Octubre 2, 2023 a las 06:30 TARDE PDT


Appears to be a larval something. Marine specimen

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Vida (Vida)




Octubre 5, 2023 a las 08:00 TARDE EDT


Cordingley Lake Beach.

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Mayo 10, 2024 a las 08:20 TARDE +07

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Mayo 4, 2024 a las 02:12 TARDE +07

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Bacterias (Reino Bacteria)




Julio 28, 2023 a las 11:03 MAÑANA CDT


Sample taken from Stock Tank, 2023-07-27.

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Mayo 6, 2024 a las 11:16 MAÑANA EDT

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Ciliados (Filo Ciliophora)




Abril 21, 2024 a las 09:48 TARDE CDT

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Abril 28, 2024 a las 06:12 TARDE +07


Pollen grains.

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Libélulas Y Caballitos del Diablo (Orden Odonata)




Agosto 6, 2023 a las 06:48 MAÑANA EST

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Vida (Vida)




Abril 7, 2023 a las 09:20 TARDE EDT


Magnification of photos: 100×, 100×, 100×, 200×, 200×, 200×, 400×, 400×, 400×, 400×, 600×, 600×, 600×
Habitat: water and organic matter floating, in a salt marsh. Salinity unknown, but probably brackish.
Photo taken with a Celestron PentaView Digital Microscope. According to their website, the FOV (i.e. the diagonal width) at 100× is 600 µm.

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Julio 23, 2022 a las 04:00 MAÑANA MSK


Размеры клеток 0,7-1,0 мкм

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Rabditóforos (Subfilo Rhabditophora)




Mayo 3, 2023 a las 05:18 TARDE EDT


Mag. 400x
3 specimens imaged at different focal lengths. I'm inferring a relationship among them; a maturation process seems likely. Plant? Protozoan? Insect? Is this a stalked egg, similar to that of a Lacewing, but much smaller? (...the aftermath of a microbial wine tasting party? :o)

  • A water sample was taken on 4/26/2023, from the shore of a Pine Swamp impoundment, using a 10µ dip net to enrich for microbes. Air temp. 58°F.

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Vida (Vida)




Mayo 26, 2023 a las 05:03 TARDE EDT



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Abril 12, 2024 a las 11:24 MAÑANA EDT


CHILODONELLA UNCINATA Ehrenberg (Kahl 1931) from the freshwater pond Kellis Pond which appeared after feeding the culture with boiled wheat seed. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2 using SPlan 100 1.25 oil objective plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+.

The cells measure 40 um in length, a bit smaller than Kahl's described range of 50-90 um. Foissner (1981) givers a range of 28-36 um, Song (1997) around 30 um, and Song et al. (2009) a range of 30-50 um. There are 4 left and 4 right kineties as well as two circumoral kineties and a single preoral kinety. The postoral region is devoid of cilia. The anterior dorsal brush row of bristles is visualized when the indivdual is viewed from the dorsal surface. The macronucleus is ellipsoid and situated posteriorly along with an ovoid micronucleus posterior to the macronucleus. The cyrtos forms a cornucopia-like basket and consists of 10 rods surrounding the circular cytostome. The two contractile vacuoles are diagonally opposed in the anterior right and posterior left quadrants of the cell.

CHILODONELLA UNCINATA Ehrenberg (Kahl, 1931) Length 50-90 um; body dorsoventrally flattened (cr., c. cucullulus); about 11 ventral ciliary rows; dorsally a transverse row of about 7 dorsal cilia or bristles (see Fig. 35B); cytostome round, cytopharyngeal trichites form a cornucopia; macronucleus oval; a single small micronucleus; the 2 contractile vacuoles are located in the anterior right quadrant and the posterior left quadrant, respectively. Chilodonella dentata Fouque is generally held to be a synonym of C. uncinata. Food Bacteria, diatoms, small green algae. Occurrence and ecology Cosmopolitan in distribution, found throughout the year in still and flowing waters (e.g., trickling filters, oxidation ponds). Often numerous in bacterial layers, e.g., at the surface of polluted waters.

CILIATED PROTOZOA. An illustrated guide to the species used as biological indicators in freshwater biology. HARTMUT BICK. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENEVA 1972 pp 60-1.

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Bacterias (Reino Bacteria)




Diciembre 7, 2022 a las 11:12 TARDE EST


Mag. 400x
I have no idea what this is, but it's gorgeous. It looks like a 100µ bag if ~3-4µ Cheerios! In the 1st image, only in the 1st panel of the 2nd row does the honey comb structure behind the "Cheerios" become readily apparent. Interesting!

  • A water sample was taken on 11/08/2022, from the shore of Lantern Hill Pond, using a 10µ dip net to enrich for microbes. Air temp. 55°F. (The sample had been in room temp. storage until re-assayed on 12/7/2022)

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Vida (Vida)


Febrero 23, 2023 a las 08:03 TARDE EST

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Vida (Vida)




Febrero 26, 2023 a las 07:14 TARDE CET



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Marzo 12, 2022



Photos are snapshots of the same individual in the video.

Size: see scale bars (photos no. 2 and 3)

Site of collection: Pavilion, Takamori Ryokuchi (a freshwater habitat), Sendai, Japan

Date of collection: March 12th 2022

Weather: Sunny

Water temp.: 7.8°C

pH 6.3

Date of observation: March 21st 2022 (the collected sample in a plastic container was left near a window out of direct sunlight at room temperature until observation)

Bright field observation using a Wraymer microscope (model BX-3500TL, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a Floyd-2 HDMI ethernet digital camera (Wraymer, Osaka, Japan). The accuracy of the scale bar was confirmed by using a stage micrometer glass slide (1 div. = 10 µm; Wraymer, Osaka, Japan) at each magnification.

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Vida (Vida)




Abril 10, 2022 a las 11:10 TARDE EDT


From a large vernal pool. 1000x magnification

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Mayo 1, 2024 a las 08:34 TARDE CEST


Sample taken on 2024-04-25

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Septiembre 21, 2022 a las 12:00 TARDE CEST


In large pond


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Vida (Vida)




Octubre 7, 2022 a las 09:57 TARDE EDT


Mag. 400x
Saw only one in several slide fields. Complex shape. Egg? Body part from larger organism?

  • A water sample was taken on 10/07/2022, from the shore of an impoundment in the Pine Swamp cluster of waterbodies, using a 10µ dip net to enrich for microbes. Air temp. 70°F. (This water sample was taken in the midst of a bloom of Dinobryon... very few green life forms were observed in this overwhelmingly Dinobryon- filled sample.)

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Noviembre 2021


Philodina laying an egg. For some reason the Dexiotricha were very interested in the proceedings.

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Abril 22, 2024 a las 12:58 TARDE EDT


Mag. 200x (1), 100x (2,3)

  • A pond-side water/periphyton sample was taken 04/22/2024 using a small sample bottled attached to an extension pole. Air temp 61F.

Rotifer housed in a fecal pellet tube of its own making. The rounded, kidney-shaped corona is consistent with genus Ptygura (no deep notch) and, specifically, with Plingfactory's Michael Plewka's amazing images of Ptygura pilula seen here.

for a video (correct link now recorded!):

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Hongos Bonete (Género Mycena)




Junio 19, 2023


Mala (Google, OSM)


Golden-backed Frog
Mushroom grown on frog body

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Agosto 27, 2022



Cell size: see scale bars (photos no. 1–no. 8)

Site of collection: Katsurashima Ryokuchi south pond (a freshwater habitat), Sendai, Japan

Date of collection: Aug. 27th 2022

Weather: Cloudy

Water temp.: 25.4°C

pH 6.8

Date of observation: August 27th 2022

Bright field observation using a Wraymer microscope (model BX-3500TL, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a Floyd-2 HDMI ethernet digital camera (Wraymer, Osaka, Japan). The accuracy of the scale bar was confirmed by using a stage micrometer glass slide (1 div. = 10 µm; Wraymer, Osaka, Japan) at each magnification.

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Abril 22, 2024 a las 11:21 TARDE EDT


Mag. 400x

  • A pond-side water/periphyton sample was taken 04/22/2024 using a small sample bottled attached to an extension pole. Air temp 61F.

Colonial, stalked choanoflagellate on a strand of Eunotia diatoms (in apical view). The feeding cone/collar and central flagellum can be seen on many of the cells in the still photographs and videos.


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Vida (Vida)




Enero 25, 2022 a las 04:00 TARDE EST


Genus Cyclomonas Fromentel, 1874.

Eukaryota incertae sedis . Dinoflagellate Cyclomonas from the freshwater portion of Peconic River. Cyclomonas is a free-living heterotrophic flagellate. It was thought to belong to ORDER CERCOZOIDA (=SARCOMONADIDA) but currently has uncertain affiliation within protists, based on Adl et al. (2005 and 2012).

It measures only 14 um and has a twisted irregular flattened cell with a globular bubbled appearance. There is a single forward facing flagellum less than one body length. It swims rather than glides through the water. Cyclomonas distortum is monospecific.

Imaged in Nomarski DIC using Olympus BH2S under SPlan 40x objective plus maximum phone cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+.

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Gupi Africano (Poecilia reticulata)




Marzo 22, 2023 a las 02:07 TARDE +05


В реку Малая Кушва АО «НТМК Евраз»производится сброс горячих отработанных технических вод. Вода даже зимой вблизи в отстойнике и ниже его имеет температуру +21 градус, что позволяет прекрасно жить аквариумной рыбе гуппии.

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Julio 1, 2023 a las 10:47 TARDE CEST


  • water + moss sample

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Julio 4, 2021



Photos are snapshots of the same individuals in the video

The cell measures 31 µm x 10 µm

Site of collection: Pavilion, Takamori Ryokuchi (a freshwater habitat), Sendai, Japan

Date of collection: July 4th 2021

Weather: Cloudy

Water temp.: 21.6°C

pH 6.4-6.6

Date of observation: July 10th 2021 (the collected sample in a plastic container was left near a window out of direct sunlight at room temperature until observation)

Bright field observation using a Wraymer microscope (model BX-3500TL, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a Floyd-2 HDMI ethernet digital camera (Wraymer, Osaka, Japan).

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Rotíferos (Filo Rotifera)




Octubre 14, 2023 a las 02:40 TARDE EDT


Mag. 400x

  • A pond-side water sample (retentate) was taken using a 10µ dip net to enrich for microorganisms. Air temp 58F.

Rotifer egg? What really struck me about this form were the "upside-down" column structures (reminiscent of a Frank Lloyd Wright design that support the outer wall. Very cool! Recognize this?

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Diatomeas (Clase Bacillariophyceae)




Mayo 4, 2018 a las 04:08 TARDE MST


water temp time of sample
45.1 Degrees F
7.3 degrees C
I think this little cap releases spores and the end of the diatom chain

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Vida (Vida)




Julio 16, 2022 a las 10:11 TARDE EDT


Mag. 400x
No idea. Egg pod? A cyst of some kind? Gorgeous, like a 19th century sepia toned illustration!

  • After gently pushing aside the cover of lily pads, a pond side water sample was taken on 07/16/2022 using a 10µ dip net to enrich for microbes. Air temp. 79°F.

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Abril 27, 2024 a las 10:50 TARDE EDT


Spirostomum ambiguum Ehrenberg, 1834. from the superficial river edge benthos of the freshwater segment of the estuarine Peconic River. Imaged in Nomarsdki DIC on Olympus BH2S using Splanapo 20 0.70 and SPlanapo 40 0.95 objectives plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+. The cell measures 960 um in length. The peristome is 2/3 the length of the body with the cytostome at the posterior 2/3 location. There is a large terminal contractive vacuole with a long collecting canal reaching almost the anterior end of the cell. The macronucleus is moniliform forming a chain of connected elongate spindle shaped macronuclear nodules beginning at the anterior 40% of the cell length and extending almost to the posterior end.

"Spirostomum ambiguum Ehrenberg, 1834. [syn: Trichoda ambiguum Müller, 1786; S. ambiguum var. major Roux, 1901] 900 m several mm long. Length: width ratio about 9-17. 15-25 kineties on each side; heterogeneous, numerous (4-5) CG rows per stripe. Peristome always longer than 1/2 of the body length, often reaching 2/3. CV much shorter than body length, rarely exceeding 1/10. The color depends on cytoplasmic granules. Moniliform MAC with 12-50 (avg. 15-25) nodules not exceeding 35 45 m in length when stained by Feulgen reaction. Numerous (up to 100) MICs 1-2 m long. Mono phyletic. Only found in freshwater. Reported in central and northern Europe, England, Russia, central Africa, USA, Jamaica, India and Japan. It sometimes harbors prokaryotic symbionts in the MAC. Spirostomum ambiguum is a well-defined, easily recognizable morphospecies whose monophyly is also strongly supported by molecular sequences" (1).

"Differential diagnosis
1) Size in vivo 1-000-4000 x 48-100 um, mostly 1200-2000 um. Visible with the naked eye as a white thread. Very flexible and contractile, shortens to approximately 390-430 x200-220 um. Contracted cells cigar-shaped.
2) Shape slender to moderately broad worm-shaped, more or less parallel-sided, 10-17 times longer than wide. Front end rounded, rear end truncated. Slightly flattened laterally. Ventral side in area of ​​the mouth entrance slightly bulging.
3) Macronucleus moniliform or rosary-shaped, consists of 10-50, mostly 15-20 ellipsoids, about 18-53 x 12-24 um large nodes that form a long band that approaches the dorsal side. The number of nodes correlates positively with the age of the cell (REPAK & ISQUITH L974).
4) Contractile vacuole at the posterior end, with a long collecting duct extending forward along the dorsal side which sometimes shows ampullary extensions.
5) Close under the pellicle there are many spherical, spherical, yellowish granules arranged in elongated bands of 4-5 rows each which give the cell a yellowish to brownish color.
6) About 70-90 slightly spiraling rows of cilia, consisting of basal bodies arranged in pairs are constructed, but only the front one has a cilium.t
When the cells contract (startle reaction), the rows of eyelashes spiral around the body.
7) The adoral membrane zone extends from the anterior end to the posterior third (about 65-70 % of the body length) and turns to the right at the lower end. Parallel to the adoral membranelle zone a non-ciliated oral groove, which is bordered on the right by an undulating membrane.
8} Movement hatching, worm-like crawling and writhing. Fluidity with longitudinal rotation axis, with the front end describing a cone-shaped body of revolution. In the plankton falling floating with inclined longitudinal axis" (2).

"Spirostomum ambiguum is easy to recognize because of its size and shape, but the differentiation with S. minus causes considerable difficulties. There are many shape variations which occur, size and shape are not reliable distinguishing features. Usually S. minus is significantly slimmer and almost never reaches a length of 1 mm, while S. ambiguum is more compact, stockier and over 1 m long. Only the length of the adoral membrane zone in relation for body length (S. ambiguum: 65-70 %; S. minus: 35-50%) remains reasonably reliable distinguishing feature, but here too the differences do not seem to be too pronounced. Furthermore, the ciliates S. semivirescens have a similar size and shape (up to 2 mm, very slender, adoral membrane zone up to 50 % of body length, green through symbiontic algae) and Homalozoon vermiculare (up to 1.5 mm, 5-21 contractile vacuoles along the dorsal side, mouth small and only at the front end) as well as microturbellaria and nematodes. The characteristics 1,3 and 7 are particularly important for identification" (2).

  1. Focusing on Genera to Improve Species Identification: Revised Systematics of the Ciliate Spirostomum Vittorio Boscaroa,1, Daniela Carducci, Giovanna Barbieri, Marcus V.X. Senra, Ilaria Andreoli, Fabrizio Erra, Giulio Petroni, Franco Verni, and Sergei I. Fokin. Protist, Vol. 165, 527–541, August 2014
  2. FOISSNER W., BERGER H. & KOHMANN F. (1992): Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems - Band II: Peritrichia, Heterotrichida, Odontostomatida. – Informationsberichte des Bayer. Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, 5/92: pp 317-25.

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Abril 27, 2024 a las 11:40 MAÑANA CEST

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Enero 18, 2024 a las 01:23 TARDE AEDT

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Marzo 27, 2024 a las 10:47 MAÑANA EDT


Violet-black cells in gelatinous sheaths at the surface of a layer of gelatinous cyanobacteria, growing on a lost sock in the mud of a flooded abandoned limestone quarry. I'm not certain that these photos are all of the same organism - some are dark violet and some are more strongly just black. The violet capsule absorbs so much light that it is difficult to induce autofluorescence in the chlorophyll of the cell inside. The first picture shows the violet layer beside some Trentepohlia. The various pictures demonstrate the colours in contrast to some of the other species present (Hassallia, Trentepohlia). Cells themselves are 3-6 µm and the capsules are 6-12 µm. The surface violet-black layer covers a deep layer of gelatinous cells inside lamellated mucilaginous sheaths, of different generations, that I now think are another species entirely.
Part of a gelatinous community:

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Abril 21, 2024 a las 08:58 MAÑANA EDT


Stentor pyriformis Johnson 1893 from the superficial benthos of the river edge of the freshwater segment of estuarine river Peconic River. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2S using SPlan 10 NA 0.30, SPlanapo 20 NA 0.70, SPlanapo 40 NA 0.95 and SPlan 100 NA1.25 oil objectives plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+. The cells were visible with the naked eye accumulating on the surface of the water at the side of the sample container. Cells measure from 650-800 um when fully extended. The cytoplasm is densely filled with green algal zoochlorella symbionts. There are also much smaller colorless cortical and cytoplasmic granules. The dense population of zoochorellae obscured the internal morphology of the stentors. Macronuclei could only be observed in markedly squashed cells by evaporation of water from under the coverglass. Most cells had two spherical macronuclei, occasionally three. The morphology of my population was identical to that described by Hoshina et al 2021, however their population was smaller than mine at 220-500 um and their macronuclear count also differed from my population which showed 2 MA: "The average number of macronuclei was 6.1 (range 4–10, n = 9) for freshly obtained samples, whereas four-year cultured cells contained only one or two" (1).

"S. pyriformis is a poorly described species, although S. pyriformis is clearly distinguishable from other Stentor species. The species was first described in 1893 and then appeared in a microbiota report in 1908. However, its next appearance was not until 1994, in the study on revision of the genus by Foissner and Wolfl. As described in the original literature, difficulties in the cultivation of this species may have hindered the research on this species. In Japan, S. pyriformis can be found only in highland highly oligotrophic moors, suggesting that intracellular symbiotic algae would help this species of Stentor survive in such a harsh environment. S. pyriformis was described by Johnson in 18936. This algae-bearing Stentor has separated spherical macronuclei without pigmentation, which certainly differentiates it from other Stentor species. While the most common algae-bearing Stentor, S. polymorphus assumes a slender trumpet shape (often shortened), S. pyriformis never resembles such a slender trumpet, but assumes a pear or short conical shape, even when it is swimming. Among algae-bearing Stentor spp., S. polymorphus and S. pyriformis only are considered colorless species, whereas colored species are S. amethystinus, S. fuliginosus, S. araucanus, and S. tartari. Therefore, S. pyriformis is a clearly discernible species; however, it remains underexplored" (1).

"Cells of S. pyriformis were broadly trumpet-shaped, usually 220–500 × 120–300 µm. This length–width ratio did not change significantly between the cells attached to something and swimming. The cells were colored green due to their endosymbiotic green algae that were distributed along the whole body. A large number of tiny transparent vesicles were present along the ciliary rows immediately under the cell surface. To see the contents, the crushed cells were observed. Symbiotic algae appeared to be typical Chlorella-like algae, but no dividing alga was observed. The algal cells appeared more vividly green when compared to those in P. bursaria, suggesting that they are richer in photosynthetic pigments. The symbiotic algae in S. pyriformis had the same size and morphology as those in P. bursaria. Macronuclei were, in general, large and spherical (ø 20–35 µm). The average number of macronuclei was 6.1 (range 4–10, n = 9) for freshly obtained samples, whereas four-year cultured cells contained only one or two. Micronuclei could not be identified" (1).

My population had two macronuclei rarely three in contrast to the populations of Hoshina et al which had an average of 6.1 macronuclei (range 4-10). Also, Hoshina et al 2021 (1) did not identify micronuclei in their multimodality study of S. pyriformis which included electron microscopy. However, the study of Walker 1908 (2) describes the presence of two macronuclei with multiple small micronuclei scattered within the macronucleus. I detected similar small nodules within the macronuclei to those depicted by Walker 1908 but I am uncertain if these are nucleoli or micronuclei. Hishina et al 2021 describe " a large number of transparent vesicles were present along the ciliary rows immediately under the cell surface (1) which I also found. In addition, Hoshina et al 2021 describe numerous starch granules in the cytoplasm which I believe are also present in my samples. These granules are more than twice the size of the subcortical vesicles.

  1. Characterization of a green Stentor with symbiotic algae growing in an extremely oligotrophic environment and storing large amounts of starch granules in its cytoplasm. Ryo Hoshina, Yuuji Tsukii, Terue Harumoto & Toshinobu Suzaki. Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:2865 |
  2. Observations on the Micro-Fauna of an Oregon Pond. Elda R. Walker. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Vol. 28, Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting (Sep., 1908), pp. 75-84

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Abril 19, 2024 a las 10:26 MAÑANA EDT


Cryptomonas (Chilomonas) paramecium Ehrenberg 1832. A bloom from the acidic freshwater kettle pond Chatfield's Hole fed with boiled wheat seeds. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2S using SPlan 100 1.25 oil objective plus variable phone cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+. As Jara Kubin points out, the correct name after molecular analyses is Cryptomonas paramecium, the species is a regular member of the genus, but without chlorophyll.

Hoef-Emden, K. & Melkonian, M. (2003). Revision of the genus Cryptomonas (Cryptophyceae): a combination of molecular phylogeny and morphology provides insights into a long-hidden dimorphism. Protist 154: 371-409

Genus: Similar to Cryptomonas in general body form and structure, but colorless; without pyrenoid; "cytopharynx" (gullet) deep, lower half surrounded by granules (ejectisome/trichocyst); one contractile vacuole anterior (Kudo, 1966). Chilomonas does not have chromatophores (pigment-containing structures) and lives by ingesting organic matter.
Species: 20-40 μm long. Posteriorly narrowed; slightly bent 'dorsally'; 30-40 μm long, 10-15 μm wide; widely distributed in stagnant water (Kudo, 1966).

Free-swimming, biflagellate monads, generally obovoid often with a recurved posterior sometimes produced to acutely pointed; not known to produce palmelloid colonies. A longitudinal furrow extends posteriorly from the vestibulum and transforms into a sack-like gullet lined with many rows of ejectosomes. With a single nucleomorph but lacking a chloroplast and pyrenoid; with a prolific accumulation of peripheral starch granules. Periplast with a laminate inner component and a superficial layer of fine fibrillar material. Sexual reproduction is unknown; reproduction being through simple cell division. Cyst formation is unknown.

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Abril 17, 2024 a las 10:34 MAÑANA EDT


Stentor igneus Ehrenberg, 1838 from the acidic freshwater kettle pond Chatfield's Hole after feeding the culture with boiled wheat seeds. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2S using SPlanapo 40 0.95 and SPlan 100 1.25 oil objectives plus variable phone cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+.
Rose-colored or colorless; macronucleus oval; ciliation uniform. This small, reddish-pigmented freshwater species is well defined due to the redescriptions by Foissner (1980) and Song and Wilbert (1989). Foissner et al. (1992) reviewed the data available on its morphology and ecology. Stentor igneus lacks symbiotic algae and has two synonyms: S. roseus and S. ruber. Measurements. 200-400 um long.

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Vida (Vida)




Marzo 16, 2022 a las 01:06 TARDE AKDT

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Vida (Vida)


Mayo 29, 2021 a las 10:30 TARDE +03


No idea what this is. Regardless of how many green volumes there are in a group, the group seems to always tend to form a somewhat rectangular structure.

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Marzo 27, 2024 a las 11:04 MAÑANA EDT


Part of a mixed community of cyanobacteria and lichens that have colonized a sock, embedded in the mud of a flooded abandoned quarry. The filaments of Scytonema are embedded in thick yellow sheaths, 12 to 20 microns wide. The epifluorescence photos reveal the form of the filaments within the sheaths.

Fotos / Sonidos




Enero 23, 2022 a las 10:03 MAÑANA MST


Water sample collected from the river San Pedro, Rosales, Chihuahua, at the indicated location.
This samples was collected on January 23rd at 10:03. Images were collected on January 25th.

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Vida (Vida)




Enero 16, 2022 a las 10:44 MAÑANA MST


Water sample collected from the river San Pedro, Meoqui, Chihuahua, at the indicated location. The sample was collected on January 16th at 10:44. Images were acquired on January 19th.

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Vida (Vida)




Enero 13, 2022 a las 09:48 MAÑANA MST


Water sample collected from the river San Pedro, Rosales, Chihuahua, at the indicated location.
The samples was collected on January 13th and images were acquired next day.

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Abril 19, 2024 a las 09:05 TARDE MSK

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Vida (Vida)




Agosto 28, 2021 a las 09:39 TARDE EDT


Mag. 100x (1) and 400x (2 - 5)
Stumped. This is the only "pod" I found... Don't know if it is attached at the base to the filament at left. The tuft of clear rectangular panels in the open end of the pod (photo 3) seems very similar to the tufts of clear rectangles that were found in isolation in this water sample (photos 4, 5). Are these objects related?
A shoreline water sample was taken on 8/26/2021 from a cove off the Thames River estuary (New London county, CT - brackish) using a 10 micron dip net to enrich for microorganisms.

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Abril 17, 2024 a las 02:29 TARDE WEST


culture from temporary mud puddles and wet soil with algae in old orchard land W of Tavira, Portugal; collected 3 April 2024
Video on my post to fb group Amateur Microscopy:

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Abril 4, 2024 a las 05:05 TARDE EDT


Paramecium nephridiatum V. Gelei, 1925 from the brackish estuarine pond Pussy's Pond, an offshoot of Acabonac Harbor. The population arose after feeding the culture with boiled wheat seeds. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2S using SPlanapo 40 0.95 and SPlan 100 1.25 oil objectives plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+.

The cells measure from 100-165 um in length. There is a large oval macronucleus usually situated slightly anterior to the cell equator and 3-4 small endosomal-type micronuclei can be observed with exact focus in the anterior end of the cell remote from the macronucleus- an important specific character of P. nephridiatum according to Fokin et al 1999 (1) The oral apparatus is situated posterior to the macronucleus with the cytostome roughly equatorial. There is an inconspicuous tuft of long caudal cilia. The two contractile vacuoles, one anterior and one posterior, have up to 15 short radiating canals and 2-3 excretory pores- another important specific characteristic of P. nephridiatum (1). There is a dense investment of subpellicuar extrusomes. The pellicle is divided into rectangular spaces on optical sectioning of the surface, a feature not mentioned by Fokin et al 1999. These features point strongly to P. nephridiatum. However, the more posterior location of the oral opening (as opposed to slightly anterior to the middle of the cell) and the peculiar pellicular division into rectangular spaces suggest that this might be a cryptic species of P. nephridiatum. Indeed, Przyboś et al 2019 describe 6 cryptic species within P. nephridiatum (2)

The cell shape with its rounded posterior end, and broad anterior part is of the "bursaria" type (Wichterman 1986) or "woodruffi" type according to Jankowski (1969). The oral opening is situated a little anterior to the middle of the cell. The cell surface is uniformly ciliated except for several long caudal cilia located close to the posterior end of the dorsal side, but not on the top. The abundant subpellicular trichocysts are distributed uniformly. Specimens were about 145 x 47 um long in vivo but shrank 10% after the silver nitrate impregnation. In silver-impregnated specimens, there were ~38 rows of ventral kineties and ~35 dorsal kineties. The preoral suture is distinct, but the postoral suture is very obscure. The cytoproct is situated in the posterior third. The vestibular zone is conspicuous and is terminated by the distinctive shape of the buccal opening. Two peniculi and open quadrulus are located on the dorsal and left wall of the buccal cavity. The endoral membrane is situated along the entire right edge of the buccal opening but its dikinetids are not recognizable in all specimens. It has 15 dikinetids on the average. The buccal cavity size various around 30 um. On the dorsal side of the body the contractile vacuole pores are very distinctive both on impregnated specimens as well as in living cells. Usually, both contractile vacuoles have more than one pore each, typically two or three. However, we have found two stocks (WCh-1 and WS-12) where one of the contractile vacuoles quite often (up to 50%) had only one pore. Both contractile vacuoles usually have 8-14 collecting canals, ten on average. Numerous crystals were very often found in the cytoplasm, but their quantity and location varied, probably depending on the culture conditions. The nuclear apparatus is located in the anterior part of the cell. One slightly ellipsoid or ovoid macronucleus, ~30x36 um in living cell and ~17x23 um in stained cells, on average, resides just anterior to the equator of the cell. In Feulgen-stained cells the macronucleus has a very intense colour. The three to four spherical micronuclei of the "endosomal" type (Fokin 1997), ~3 um in diam. (on average) are distributed irregularly along the anterior part of cell. Endocytobiotic bacteria are often found in the cytoplasm (Fokin 1989) and can also be found in the perinuclear space and in the macronucleus (Fokin 1989; Fokin and Sabaneyeva 1997)" (1).

"Swimming behavior - During swimming this species spirals on its long axis in both directions (Fokin 1987). We could not find any simple triggers (food, time) for changing this swimming direction. Typically, "left spiral swimmers" and "right spiral swimmers" were present at the same time in the culture. During the several years of investigation of this trait there was some preference of the cells from the same stocks to spiral in the left direction. Remarks- Gelei (1925) described a new species of Paramecium, Paramecium nephridiatum, based on the material which he had found in his laboratory aquarium. This population was in fact a mixture of the new species and Paramecium caudatum (Gelei 1938). This was the reason why some features of the new ciliate were similar to P. caudatum so that no one recognized this new species in nature, though reference to P. nephridiatum was made by Kahl (1931) and Kalmus (1931). Gelei (1938) redescribed the species from a native population (Tisza River, Szeged, Hungary) using a "clean culture". For unknown reasons, this new description did not attract the attention of protozoologists and in all subsequent reviews, P. nephridiatum was considered a nonvalid species (Vivier 1974; Wichterman 1953, 1986) even when the article of Gelei (1938) was listed in the references. Only once was P. nephridiatum mentioned in a short abstract as a species living in Florida, USA (Bovee 1983), although characters of the species were not listed in this publication. Since 1983, one of us (S. F) has repeatedly collected a species of Paramecium with multiple contactile vacuole pores, which is a distinctive trait of P. nephridiatum, although it was considered for a time as a feature of Paramecium woodruffi (Agamaliev 1983; Fokin 1986), Jankowski (pers. commun.)" (1).

"Occurrence and ecology- A number of stocks of P. nephridiatum were isolated from the sea shores of northern Europe: the North, Baltic, White, and Barents Sea coasts. It was detected during sampling in Woods Hole, MA, USA, Atlantic Ocean and on Sakhalin Island, Sea of Okhotsk. The salinity of these samples varied from 1.5-32 % The species was also found in a fresh-water body in Jerusalem Zoo, Israel. Samples were taken mainly during the summer, from mid-April (Wood Hole) to November (North Sea coast).

Sampling of the same wild population of P. nephridiatum (Sredny Island, White Sea, Russia) has been repeated every year since 1990 to observe long-time changes in the population, as well as the euryhaline ability of the species. This population was present at salinities from 4-35% and in the temperature range from 10-25” C. Very often the populations of P. nephridiatum occurred at the lower limit of oxygen concentrations. They were mainly feeding on bacteria. In the same samples these other ciliates were usually found: Prorodon sp., Frontonia marina, Metopus sp., P. calkinsi, P. woodruffi, and sometimes P. duboscqui" (1).

  1. Sergei I. Fokin, Thorsten Stoeck, and Helmut J. Schmidt; Rediscovery of Paramecium nephridiatum Gelei, 1925 and its Characteristics. J.Eukaryot.Microbiol. 46(4):416-426, 1999
  2. Evaluation of the molecular variability and characteristics of Paramecium polycaryum and Paramecium nephridiatum, within subgenus Cypriostomum (Ciliophora, Protista). Ewa Przyboś, Maria Rautian, Alexandra Beliavskaia, Sebastian Tarcz . Mol Phylogenet Evol . 2019 Mar:132:296-306

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Enero 1, 2000 a las 12:30 MAÑANA AEDT


Sponge specimen collected in 1999. Preserved in 70% ethanol at the time. Now stored in absolute propyl alcohol.

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Vida (Vida)




Junio 30, 2021 a las 01:52 TARDE BST


x10 magnification.

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Abril 13, 2024 a las 07:05 TARDE EDT


Acineria uncinata Tucolesco, 1962 from the freshwater pond Kellis Pond which appeared after feeding the culture with boiled wheat seed. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2 using SPlan 100 1.25 oil objective plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+. The cell measures 48 um in length. There are three visible somatic kineties which differentiates this species from A. incurvata which has 11 somatic kineties. Augustin, Foissner & Adam 1987 describe 3 right kineties while Martin-Cereceda, Serrano and Guinea 1995 describe 4 (rarely 5)- 2 left and 2 right. This, and the presence of the short oral slit being restricted to the anterior pole are discriminatory. There are two spherical macronuclei with a large intercalated micronucleus between them.

"Acineria uncinata is a lanceolate ciliate with a short oral slit restricted to the anterior region, and rolled up forming a characteristic overlapping in the anterior area at the left side of the cell. Sizes range between 26-38 um in length and 11-17 um in width in OsO4 fixed specimens. The nuclear apparatus consists of two nearly spherical macronuclei, closely together, and one large micronucleus between them. A single contractile vacuole is at the posterior end of the cell. Extrusomes are regularly placed at the anterior end of the cell, and other are dispersed at the cytoplasm. Somatic infraciliature is composed of four kineties (rarely five) which present a different arrangement at both sides of the cell. The two right ones (rk1, rk2) have long cilia and show kinetodesmal fibers, while the two left somatic kineties (lk1, lk2; a third left kinety is sometimes present) possibly lack such fibers. A kinetal segment with short clavate cilia, composed of pairs of kinetosomes, is located at the left dorsal side. Three perioral kineties are located at both sides of the oral region. Left perioral kinety (pk1) shows kinetosomes with slight fibers which could correspond to transverse microtubules. At right side, two kineties accompany the oral slit, one of them (pk2), short in length, seems to be formed by pairs of kinetosomes whose fibrillar derivates did not stain, while the other kinety (pk3), extending to the posterior end of the cells, is formed by kinetosomes with long cilia and conspicuous kinetodesmal fibers. This perioral kinety is thus very likely a somatic ciliary row except for its anterior region" (1).

"Acineria uncinata Tucolesco, 1962 Brackish and freshwater. About 35-55 um. Body lanceolate without lateral edge. Anterior pole overlapping towards the left side. Two spherical macronuclei showing a clearer zone at their central region. Sometimes a single, elongated, tapered nucleus. Contractile vacuole terminal, often surrounded by a group of smaller vacuoles. Cytostome a straight and short slit restricted to the rolled up anterior pole. Can therefore feed only on small prey (flagellates). Three somatic kineties on the right side with 20-22 cilia each. Cilia at the ventral margin of the anterior third transformed to regularly curved crotchets. Occurence and Ecology. This species was found in summer 1954 in a small dirty brackish puddle near Lake Tekirghiol and in mesosaprobic freshwaters of Bucharest. Tucolesco (1962) separated this species from A. incurvata by the non-overlapping post-oral dorsal margin. However, in A. incurvata the situation is rather similar. Thus, we propose the following characters for discrimination from A. incurvata: the presence of only three somatic kineties on the right side, the (probably) unciliated left side, and the short oral slit being restricted to the anterior pole. Unmentioned since description. Note after proof reading: This is a valid species which we rediscovered recently" (2).

  1. Mercedes Martin-Cereceda, Susana Serrano, and Almudena Guinea; Occurrence of Acineria uncinata in Activated Sludge Plants: Morphology and Relationship with Physico-Chemical Plant Parameters. Arch.Protistenkd. 146:79-84, 1995
  2. Revision of the genera Acineria, Trimyema and Trochiliopsis (Protozoa, Ciliophora). H. Augustin, W. Foissner & H. Adam. Bull.Br.Mus.Nat.Hist. (Zool) 1987 52(6): 197-224

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Vida (Vida)




Junio 1, 2021

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Febrero 15, 1993 a las 11:00 MAÑANA AEDT


Seeing a recent entry for this species in the US I have uploaded photos of an Australian specimen collected long ago.

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Bacterias (Reino Bacteria)




Marzo 2021


Utah, US (Google, OSM)


From soil-water-lettuce media inoculated with mucky water. Media not fully sterilized and not prepared aseptically so impossible to say where these originated from, but they stood out from the rest of the bacteria enough for me to want to post them as an observation.

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Vida (Vida)




Marzo 26, 2021 a las 05:05 TARDE EDT


Microscopy photos of freshwater pond life, sorry, no measurements or scale.


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Abril 9, 2024 a las 11:55 MAÑANA EDT


Stentor muelleri EHRENBERG, 1831 from Pussy's Pond, a brackish offshoot of the estuary Acabonac Harbor. Swimming and fully contracted cells. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2 using SPlanapo 40 0.95 and SPlan 100 1.25 oil objectives plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+.

The extended cells measure from 400 up to 640 um in length. Individuals appear brownish in color and have a moniliform macronucleus composed of a chain of up to 20 ovoid to ellipsoid nodules. I could not observe the lorica since these samples have been disturbed [see discussion below item 8].

" Stentor has a mighty oral appar4tus on the margin of the
broad end. It is cornposed of hundreds of adoral
membranelles (plates of closely spaced cilia acting
together) which are, on the inner side, accompanied by a
single row of cilia, the so-called undulating membrane. The
ciliary plates, which are composed of 25 pm long cilia and
beat 30 times per second, form a spiral band, the so-called
adoral zone of membranelles, which plunges into a conical
buccal cavity leading to the cytostome (mouth proper).The
metachronal beat of the membranelles generates a strong
current swirling food organisms with a velocity of 800 pm s-1 into the buccal cavity" (5).

"Stentor muelleri Ehrenberg, 1831 10-20 macronuclear beads. Slenderly trumpet shaped and 500-1000 um (rarely up to 3 mm) long when fully extended. Mainly in freshwater, but also in estuaries. Recorded from Europe, North America and China . A detailed description and discussion of synonymy, morphology and ecology can be found in Foissner et al. (1992). This freshwater species is well defined by its moniliform macronucleus and the absence of pigmented cortical granules. It has-30-50 somatic kinetics and -10 peristomial ciliary rows. Stentor muelleri has two junior synonyms: S.felici and S.katashimai" (1)

Differential diagnosis from (2)

Elongated individuals in vivo up to 3 mm, usually 500-1000 um long.
Sessile, slim, trumpet-shaped, usually slightly curved. Contracts in an inverted pear shape.
About 10-20 spherical macronucleus parts, which in elongated individuals have a rosary-like form, forming a chain about half the length of the body. 10-17 micronuclei .
Contractile vacuole on the left wall of the oral funnel, with one collecting duct reaching far backwards.
In the plasma and between the cilia, very dense, colorless, granules about 0.5 pm in size. Appears yellowish to brownish at low magnification. No symbiotic algae.
Number of ciliary rows (about 70?) unknown.
The adoral membrane zone extends into the mouth in a spiral to the right. Number of the adoral membranelles unknown. Floor of the mouth with about 20 ciliary rows.
8] Sometimes found with extended, thigmotactic cilia in a 200-1000 um (usually 300-500 um) long, sac-shaped to bottle-shaped, slimy, sometimes very hyaline shell (case usually only noticeable in cells that have been undisturbed for a long time; then often densely covered with detritus).
"Comparisons S. polymorphus and S. coeruleus also have a rosary-shaped macronucleus. The former is colored green by symbiotic algae, the latter has light to strong blue granules between the ciliary rows. Smaller one (500-1200 um) and like S. muelleri uncolored S. roeseli, the macronucleus is rope-shaped. Characteristics 3 are particularly important for identification, 5 important" (2). " Stentor katashimai Kumazawa, 1973 has the main characteristics of s.muelleri, from which it is said to differ by the lack of a lorica, a more stocky shape and the possession of a buccal pouch (Kumazawa, 7974)" (1). "Stentor cornutus Kumazawa 2002 is more conical in shape when extended, while S. muelleri takes a characteristic, slender shape (Kahl, 1935), which is more like an uncoiled trombone (Tartar, 1961a) rather than a trumpet. Stentor cornutus never forms the cylindrical case that S. muelleri usually has when it is attached. The stiff cilia in S. cornutus are shorter, and much less conspicuous than those in S. muelleri. The macronuclear nodes are fewer and more spindle-shaped in S. cornutus than those in S. muelleri, which has more rounded, bead-like nodes" (3).

Fernandes et al 2012 reported a population of Stentor polymorphus devoid of symbiotic algae. They based their diagnosis largely on the absence of loricae in their population and by the presence of a large peristomial pouch (4). The lorica is not always seen in S. muelleri and Foissner et al 1992 attached little importance to its presence (2). The buccal pouch was discounted by Foissner et al 19922 (2) as being a weak character insufficient to discriminate species (2). However Kumazawa 2002 disagrees and stressed presence of the large pouch as an important discriminatory character between their new species S. cornutus as well as S. katashimai (3). Kumazawa 2002, in his figure 1, illustrates the large buccal pouch in S. polymophus (figure 1a) and the lack of same in S. roseli (figure 1b) (3). My observation here has an identical buccal cavity to Kumazawa's figure 1b which he states demonstrates a species lacking the buccal pouch. This serves to differentiate my observation from an aposymbiotic population of S. polymorphus. In addition, the S. polymorphus population of Fernandes et al 2012 had an in vivo length of 850-2000 um, quite a bit larger than my population of S. muelleri at 400-640 um (4).

"Occurrence and distribution: Approximately equally common in stagnant and flowing waters, much rarer than Stentor roeseli. SCHMARDA (1846) found it in all seasons and slow-flowing waters near Vienna. Also in the mesosaprobic samples from Amper near Munich fairly regularly and with a focus on appearing in May/June. We found 1 specimen in the activated sludge. According to ALBRECHT (1984), S. muelleri is oligo- to mesoeuryhaline (see also the evidence from KAHL 1933) in the mouth of the Weser, from BIERNACKA 1962 in the Bay of Danzig, by RIEDEL-LORJE 1981 in alpha to betamesosaprobic samples Elbe Estuary and by JONES 1974 from an estuary in the USA with (0.2-3% salinity). So far only in Europe and Asia (SHEN YUNFEN et at. 1988) and North America" (2).

  1. Revision of the genus Stentor Oken (Protozoa, Ciliophora) and description of S.araucanus nov. spec. from South American lakes W.Foissner and S.Wölfl. Journal of Plankton Research Vol.l6 no.3 pp.255-289. 1994
  2. Foissner,W., Berger,H. and Kohmann,F. (1992) Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems-Band II: Peritrichia, Heterotrichida, Odontostomatida. Informationsberichte des Bayer. Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, May 1992, pp. 351-4
  3. Notes on the taxonomy of Stentor Oken (Protozoa, Ciliophora) and a description of a new species. HIDEO KUMAZAWA. JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH VOLUME 24 NUMBER 1 PAGES 69-75 2002
  4. Morphology and Phylogenetic Position of an Unusual
    Stentor polymorphus (Ciliophora: Heterotrichea) Without Symbiotic Algae. Noemi M. Fernandes, Inacio Domingos da Silva Neto & Carlos G. Schrago. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2014, 61, 305–312

  5. Stentor. Wilhelm Foissner. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES 2002 Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Nature Publishing Group. p 561

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Marzo 28, 2021



Photos are snapshots of the same individual in the video

Cell size: 6 µm in length

Site of collection: Pavilion, Takamori Higashi Park (a freshwater habitat), Sendai, Japan

Date of collection: March 28th 2021

Weather: Cloudy

Water temp.: 11.5°C

pH 6.4

Date of observation: April 24th 2021 (the collected sample in a plastic container was left near a window out of direct sunlight at room temperature until observation)

Bright field observation using a Wraymer microscope (model BX-3500TL, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a Floyd-2 HDMI ethernet digital camera (Wraymer, Osaka, Japan). The accuracy of the scale bar, which was set according to the guidance of the manual of the software (Spectman) provided for the camera, was confirmed by using a stage micrometer glass slide (1 div. = 10 µm; Wraymer, Osaka, Japan) at each magnification.

Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 28, 2021


a: anterior (photo #1)


Cell size: 8 µm; length of recurrent flagellum, 20 µm <

Site of collection: Pavilion, Takamori Higashi Park (a freshwater habitat), Sendai, Japan

Date of collection: March 28th 2021

Weather: Cloudy

Water temp.: 11.5°C

pH 6.4

Date of observation: 28th March 2021

Bright field observation using a Wraymer microscope (model BX-3500TL, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a Floyd-2 HDMI ethernet digital camera (Wraymer, Osaka, Japan). The accuracy of the scale bar, which was set according to the guidance of the manual of the software (Spectman) provided for the camera, was confirmed by using a stage micrometer glass slide (1 div. = 10 µm; Wraymer, Osaka, Japan) at each magnification.

Fotos / Sonidos




Octubre 16, 2021


Video (conjugation):

Photos are snapshots of the same individual(s) in the video.

Cell size: see scale bar (photos #5-#7)

Site of collection: Pavilion, Takamori Ryokuchi (a freshwater habitat), Sendai, Japan

Date of collection: October 16th 2021

Weather: Rainy

Water temp.: 18.1°C

pH 6.3

Date of observation: October 24th 2021 (the collected sample in a plastic container was left near a window out of direct sunlight at room temperature until observation)

Bright field observation using a Wraymer microscope (model BX-3500TL, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a Floyd-2 HDMI ethernet digital camera (Wraymer, Osaka, Japan). The accuracy of the scale bar, which was set according to the guidance of the manual of the software (Spectman) provided for the camera, was confirmed by using a stage micrometer glass slide (1 div. = 10 µm; Wraymer, Osaka, Japan) at each magnification.

Fotos / Sonidos




Octubre 16, 2021


Video (Cell division):

Photos are snapshots of the same individual(s) in the video

Cell size: see scale bar (photo #2)

Site of collection: Pavilion, Takamori Ryokuchi (a freshwater habitat), Sendai, Japan

Date of collection: October 16th 2021

Weather: Rainy

Water temp.: 18.1°C

pH 6.3

Date of observation: October 24th 2021 (the collected sample in a plastic container was left near a window out of direct sunlight at room temperature until observation)

Bright field observation using a Wraymer microscope (model BX-3500TL, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a Floyd-2 HDMI ethernet digital camera (Wraymer, Osaka, Japan). The accuracy of the scale bar, which was set according to the guidance of the manual of the software (Spectman) provided for the camera, was confirmed by using a stage micrometer glass slide (1 div. = 10 µm; Wraymer, Osaka, Japan) at each magnification.

Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 2024


Mag. 400x

  • A water sample taken on 03/31/2024, from a small vernal stream in a wooded area, using a small sample bottled attached to an extension pole. Air temp 46F.

I'm not certain about the ID, but will check with geraldojpr and roman_romanov. Most fascinating about this specimen is that one semi-cell is 3-radiate (3 lobes) and the other is 6-radiate. An intermediate polymorph! Will its progeny be 3- or 6 radiate or a hybrid of both? Interesting! S. margaritaceum is noted to be "variable in the in the number of radial processes, , with 4-6 being the most often found" ( ... I could not find a reference noting 3-radiate S. margaritaceum. The first composite image shows the specimen in lateral view, then beginning to roll backwards. The second composite of 9 photos shows the same specimen making a ~180⁰ rotation about a slanted axis. (Panels 8 and 9 vary only in depth of field, not position of the specimen.) Too cool!
For more reference images of S. margaritaceum see:

Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 2024


Mag. 200x

  • A water sample taken on 03/31/2024, from a small vernal stream in a wooded area, using a small sample bottled attached to an extension pole. Air temp 46F.

Two daughter cells, still attached, of a Closterium sp,. More robustly proportioned than C. kuetzingii (fatter, but with similarly tapering and gently curved apices), a diagnosis of Closterium rostratum seems clear, as seen here In the 2nd image, "N" marks the nuclear region (which will eventually become centrally located as each daughter cell matures). Also marked are the 2 chloroplasts normally found in Closterium (one per semi-cell on each side of the nuclear region). I could not find an image of a dividing C. rostratum, but a dividing C. venus, as seen here,, serves as a model.

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Diciembre 31, 1999 a las 03:27 TARDE AEDT


Specimen collected from Saumarez Creek in 1999. Preserved in EtOH, now propyl alcohol. New spicule analysis carried out 2023.

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Marzo 2024


Mag. 400x

  • A water sample taken on 03/31/2024, from a small vernal stream in a wooded area, using a small sample bottled attached to an extension pole. Air temp 46F.

3 Cosmarium of ~equal size and shape. The diagnosis was made based on images here and here The reference images mimic the variation in my 3 specimens, especially regarding the variable flatness of the apices. The apical view of the second specimen is very similar to an image shown at the first link and also here

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Diciembre 31, 1999 a las 04:37 TARDE AEDT


Specimen collected from Booralong Creek in December 1999. A number of samples taken. Samples contain two species. See
This entry records sample, gemmules and spicules of Heterorotula contraversa. First photo shows upper surface, second lower surface of typical sample. Third photo is sample of sponge and gemmules used for spicule analysis. Gemmules and spicule photomicrographs recorded in additional photos.
Commensal organisms include chironomid larvae and pupae. See

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Mayo 7, 2021 a las 10:29 TARDE CEST

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Agosto 16, 2023 a las 11:01 TARDE CEST

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Marzo 31, 2024


From a sample collected on the shore of a small lake.

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Marzo 27, 2024 a las 08:34 TARDE EDT


Cephalodella? Amazing how big the ?diatoms? are that it appears to have eaten.

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Marzo 26, 2024 a las 11:39 MAÑANA EDT


Surprising discovery in a puddle on the floor of the quarry.

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Marzo 26, 2024 a las 09:38 TARDE EDT


Magnification of photos: 40×, 100×, 100×, 200×, 200×, 200×, 200×, 200×, 200×
Habitat: muddy water collected at the edge of The Lake in Central Park.
Photo taken with a Celestron PentaView Digital Microscope. According to their website, the FOV (i.e. the diagonal width) at 40× is 1.5 mm.

Fotos / Sonidos




Mayo 13, 2021 a las 11:17 TARDE UTC


Large rotifer found in a small freshwater pond viewed at 100x mag. Unusual geometry with what I think is a dorsal ridge of some sort seen in img 3. Actinosphaerium can be seen in some images

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Marzo 22, 2024 a las 12:02 TARDE EDT


Trachelius ovum EHRENBERG, 1831 EHRENBERG, 1838 from the acidic freshwater kettle pond Chatfield's Hole. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2S using SPlanapo 20 0.75 and Splanapo 40 0.95 objectives plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+. The cells measure 240 um in length. The following discussions and several figures are adapted from Foissner et al (1995) (1).

According to EHRENBERG (1838), FOISSNER & FOISSNER (1988b) and KAHL (1931a), Trachelius ovum has several safe synonyms, which do not appear in the saprobiological literature: T. cicer SCHRANK- this older synonym was never used and should therefore be suppressed forever for reasons of stability, T. vorax EHRENBERG, Amphileptus rotundus MASKELL, Trachelius Leidyi FOULKE. The exact organization of this common ciliate was previously insufficiently known, although it was reported several times and has been processed using modern methods (DRAGESCO & DRAGESCO-KERNEIS 1986, FRYD VERSAVEL et al. 1975, SONG & WILBERT 1989). The representations are too schematized and incorrect in detail. We have therefore reworked T. ovum for the “Atlas”. This showed that the somatic and oral ciliation is very similar to that of Dileptus. Nevertheless, Trachelius is clearly demarcated from Dileptus namely by the ventro-lateral fossa, where the ciliation is slightly modified and the club-shaped mouth funnel, which consists of a thick layer of the finest fibrils.

Congener comparison: Trachelius subtilis PENARD, which has not yet been sufficiently confirmed, has only 12 contractile vacuoles and no suction cup. Dileptus species usually have a clearly pointed rear end and are always much slimmer. Paradileptus elephantinus lives predominantly in the pelagic of stagnant waters and has a rosary-shaped (moniliform) macronucleus. The characteristics are particularly important for identification are 2, 3, 4 .

Interestingly, I found one individual with two closely abutting oval macronuclei (see end of pictures after sampling site pictures). Trachelius subtilis PENARD, 1922, a species which Vďačný & Foissner (2) synonymized with T. ovum, is stated to have two oval macronuclear nodules. However, Martin Kreutz disagrees with Vďačný & Foissner and writes: "Trachelius subtilis was first described by Penard (1922). The species is smaller than Trachelius ovum and its main characteristic is a two-part macronucleus with a spherical micronucleus in the middle. In 2012 Vďačný & Foissner (2) synonymized Trachelius subtilis with Trachelius ovum with the argument that Penard (1922) possibly only found specimens of Trachelius ovum with a macronucleus constricted in the middle and that this is an observational error. Vďačný & Foissner obviously did not find any specimens with such a constricted macronucleus themselves. However, Penard was a very precise observer and Kahl (1935) also found specimens of Trachelius subtilis, which confirmed and supplemented Penard’s results" (3). Dr. Kreutz's examples do show two clearly separate macronuclear nodules with an intervening micronucleus in contrast to my observation of two closely abutting macronucleuar nodules with no visible micronucleus so I cannot rule out a folded dumbbell-shaped macronucleus appearing as two nodules in my example.

Differential diagnosis
Size in vivo 200-600 x 75-350 um, usually 250-350 um long.
Shape sac-shaped to almost spherical, starving specimens clearly flattened on one side. Proboscis often only about 1/4-, rarely up to 1/2-length, usually curved dorsally. In well fed specimens it becomes a short, stalk-shaped extension. Ventro-laterally a small, difficult to recognize pit that serves as a suction cup.
Macronucleus dumbbell-shaped, often disintegrates into a few spherical parts in postconjugates. Several micronuclei.
Many small contractile vacuoles scattered throughout the cell. Plasma very strongly vacuolated, the strands form a coarse network.
Short, rod-shaped extrusomes in the proboscis along the ridge of the mouth. Cortex thick, with many ellipsoid granules.
About 80-120 longitudinal rows of cilia, some of which extend into the ventro-lateral fossa, where there are several specializations, which are explained in the figure legends. Brush 3-4 rows, on the dorsal side of the trunk, a row extending almost to the end of the body; only clearly visible after silver impregnation and in the scanning electron microscope.
Mouth entrance at the base of the proboscis, surrounded by many very delicate bars that form a club-shaped, thick-walled funnel. To the right of the circumoral row of eyelashes there is a longitudinal row of cilia, on the left there are many short oblique rows of perioral cilia; more precise structure of the oral cilia can only be recognized after silver impregnation.

  1. FOISSNER W., BERGER H., BLATTERER H. & KOHMANN F. (1995): Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems – Band IV: Gymnostomatea, Loxodes, Suctoria. – Informationsberichte des Bayer. Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, 1: pp. 208-18
  2. VĎAČNÝ P. & FOISSNER W. (2012): Monograph of the dileptids (Protista, Ciliophora, Rhynchostomatia). – Denisia, 31: 1–529.

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Marzo 23, 2024 a las 11:15 TARDE CST

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Febrero 5, 2024 a las 02:23 TARDE EST


Conidium of one of the Ingoldian fungi, collected in the foam that accumulated upstream of small rock barriers in the stream. Identified with the aid of Gulis et al. (2020) An Illustrated Key to the Common Temperate Species of Aquatic Hyphomycetes.

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Marzo 22, 2024 a las 01:15 TARDE +07

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Marzo 22, 2024 a las 12:30 TARDE +07

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Marzo 12, 2024 a las 01:04 TARDE EDT


From a meltwater pond on a grassy trail. Length 35 microns. Two unequal flagella, no visible ingestion tools. The second and third gifs show its attempt to ingest a diatom, without success. When I came back later, a large diatom had successfully been consumed (2nd jpg and 4th gif).

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Marzo 17, 2024 a las 02:43 TARDE CDT


Gathered dry leaves on 2024-02-23 and stored in water.

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Marzo 19, 2024 a las 11:10 TARDE CST

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Marzo 19, 2024 a las 09:50 TARDE CST

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Marzo 17, 2024 a las 09:23 MAÑANA CDT


Gathered dry leaves on 2024-02-23 and stored in water.

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Marzo 17, 2024 a las 09:41 MAÑANA CDT


Gathered dry leaves on 2024-02-23 and stored in water.

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Febrero 24, 2024 a las 09:33 MAÑANA EST


Mag. 400x

  • A pond-side water sample taken on 02/24/2024 using a small sample bottled attached to an extension pole Air temp 42F (no ice at the shore).

Very large specimen of A. conica. Siemensma notes a maximum dimension of ~100µ (for his and literature observations.) A large Arcella (up to 345µ wide) with a highly folded test is A. formosa , but its pie shape (highly folded and flattened) does not seem appropriate for the current specimen.

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Marzo 15, 2024 a las 02:53 TARDE CDT


Gathered dry leaves on 2024-02-23 and stored in water.
Two daughters emerging from a division cyst:

  1. Initial observation of cyst with another individual
  2. 2 minutes later
  3. 18 minutes later
  4. 77 minutes later
  5. 84 minutes later
  6. 140 minutes later
  7. 153 minutes later
  8. 154 minutes later 1st daughter emerges
  9. 155 minutes later
  10. 162 minutes later
  11. 163 minutes later 2nd daughter emerges
  12. 2nd daughter swims away


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Marzo 10, 2024 a las 10:49 MAÑANA CDT


A large mature sporangium formed from a large plasmodium in a petri dish. The second image shows individual spores after they were moved to a slide. Last image possibly shows germination, the beginning of the emergence of a haploid amoeba.

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Mayo 20, 2021 a las 10:31 MAÑANA CEST

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Marzo 9, 2024 a las 12:30 TARDE EST


Chlamydodon cyclops Entz 1884 cf C. triquestris from the intertidal benthos of marine estuary Acabonac Harbor at Louse Point launching ramp. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2S using SPlanapo 40 0.95 objective plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+. The overhanging dorsal "tail" deviated to the right really makes me wonder if C. cyclops isn't a valid species since it is so different from C. triquetris. The cell measures 140 um in length with an elongate triangular shape. There is a tail-like extension of the posterior dorsal surface which prominently overhangs the ventral surface and is deviated to the right. The peripheral cross-striated band is interrupted subterminally as in C. triquetris. The anterior of the body is projected to the left where there is a yellow granular aggregate. The cytostome is anterior and angled toward the right and is surrounded by a cytopharyngeal basket (cyrtos) consisting of 16 toothed nematodesmal rods which are straight. The oval macronucleus is heteromeric. There are up to 8 contractile vacuoles scattered throughout the cell.

In their brief revision of the genus, Pan et al tentatively synonymized C. cyclops with C. triquetrus Mueller 1786: " Little morphological data for C.cyclops are available and its infraciliature is as yet unknown. The unique difference revealed between C. cyclops and C. triquetrus is the fact that its posterior end lies toward the right (Fig.69; Kahl 1931). Considering, however, that the precise shape can vary slightly between different populations, it is probably conspecific with C. triquetrus" (1). However, in my observation, the most striking feature is an overhanging tail like extension of the dorsal surface over the ventral. This overhang is also emphasized in Carey 1992 who treats C. cyclops as a valid species and writes: "Chlamydodon cyclops Entz, 1884 Ovoid with the rounded anterior projected to the left, 80-120 µm in length. The dorsal surface clearly overhangs the ventral, giving the posterior the appearance of turning back on itself. The band of trichites encircles the cell (sic- Carey depicts a small gap at the posterior end). The oral aperture is wide and the cytopharyngeal basket is straight. Contractile vacuoles are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. There is a single macronucleus, placed centrally" (2).

Kahl felt that C. cyclops was a valid species and compared it to a larger form of C. triquetris: Chlamydodon cyclops ENTZ sen., 1884 Size 80-120 um· In view of Chlamydodon triquetrus var. major var. n. ERLANGER confirmed, also the larger number of nematodesmata (16) from Chl. triquetrus, then this is probably an independent form. ERLANGER's representation (Fig. 19) gives a somewhat broader outline and shows the band of stripes on the frontal section further from rear end. That ENTZ with reference to the side mouth of the trap is subject to deception is already mentioned above. Also ERLANGER rejects this view. (3)

The redescription of C. triquetrus by Qu et al falls outside the parameters of my observation for two characters- cell size (60-90 um vs 140 um) and number of nematodesmal rods (11-14 vs 16): " Cell size 60–90 x 35–50 um in vivo. Body shape variable, elongate ellipsoid to triangle in outline, with anterior protrusion to left and posterior narrowed; left margin sigmoid, right margin convex. Ventral side flattened and dorsal side vaulted. CSB about 3 um wide, interrupted in sub-caudal region. Pigment granules densely spaced in anterior left region forming a conspicuous reddish-brown pigment spot. Cytoplasm colourless, with some irregularly distributed tiny yellow granules (about 1 mm across) that render the cell yellowish or greenish. Cytostome located at anterior 25% of cell, accounting for about 20% of cell length; cyrtos composed of 11–14 nematodesmal rods. Five to 11 contractile vacuoles, irregularly distributed, 4 5 mm across, with a contractile interval of about 30 s. Macronucleus oval to ellipsoid, about 25 x 12 mm in vivo, positioned in body centre. Cilia about 6 mm long. Usually gliding on substrate, sometimes swimming in water by rotation along body axis (4).

Gong et al provided an improved diagnosis for C. triquetrus which conforms to my observation of C. triquetrus cf C. cyclops: " Improved diagnosis: Yellowish Chlamydodon, size 50-140 × 25-60 µm in vivo, body elongate ellipsoid to triangle in outline; CSB posteriorly interrupted; one yellow pigment spot in anterior-left of cell; 14-21 left, 16 28 right, and 4-5 postoral kineties; ~ 6 terminal fragments; 9-16 nematodesmal rods; with 5-12 contractile vacuoles; macronucleus ~ 24 × 14 µm; marine habitat" (5).

  1. Morphological and Molecular Description of Three New Species of the Cyrtophorid Genus Chlamydodon (Ciliophora, Cyrtophoria). Hongbo Pan, Lifang Li, Khaled A.S. Al-Rasheid & Weibo Song. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2013, 60, 2–12 .
  3. Kahl, A. 1931. Urtiere oder Protozoa I: Wimpertiere oder Ciliata (Infusoria) 2. Holotricha außer den im 1. Teil behandelten Prostomata. Tierwelt Dtl., 21:181–398.
  4. Diversity of the cyrtophorid genus Chlamydodon (Protista, Ciliophora): its systematics and geographic distribution, with taxonomic descriptions of three species. ZHISHUAI QU, LIFANG LI, XIAOFENG LIN, THORTEN STOECK, HONGBO PAN, KHALEDA.S.AL-RASHEID & WEIBOSONG. Systematics and Biodiversity (2018), 1–15
  5. Updating the Ciliate Genus Chlamydodon Ehrenberg, 1835, with Redescriptions of Three Species (Ciliophora: Cyrtophorida) Jun GONG, Weibo SONG and Alan WARREN. Acta Protozool. (2005) 44: 19 - 32

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Marzo 10, 2024 a las 12:02 TARDE EDT


Chlamydodon species, probably as yet undescribed, from the intertidal benthos of marine estuary Acabonac Harbor at Louse Point launching ramp. Imaged in Nomarski DIC on Olympus BH2S using SPlanapo 40 0.95 and SPlan 10 1.25 oil (no condenser oil) objectives plus variable phone camera cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9+. I followed it while it swam frenetically and lost it, when I found it again it had recently died but was intact allowing me to examine it under oil immersion.

The cell measures 76 um in length and has an oval shape with rounded posterior and anterior ends. The peripheral cross striated band (CSB) is interrupted caudally with a very narrow interruption. There is a left anterior granular aggregate. The cyrtos has 10 nematodemata. There are 5 contractile vacuoles scattered through the cell. The cytoplasm contains yellow granules. There are 4 post oral kineties, 12 right kineties, and 9 left kineties.

No other known species has this constellation of characters. C.erythromaculatus Tucolesco (1962) is a poorly described species that resembles this observation with its posteriorly interrupted CSB and rounded posterior but it is larger at 130–160 um than this observation and features a red spot. C. triquetris also has a caudally interrupted CSB and fits in terms of size and number of nematodesmata but its morphologic hallmark is its triangular shape with tapered posterior end rather than the rounded posterior of this observation.

Diversity of the cyrtophorid genus Chlamydodon (Protista, Ciliophora): its systematics and geographic distribution, with taxonomic descriptions of three species. ZHISHUAI QU, LIFANG LI, XIAOFENG LIN, THORSTEN STOECK, HONGBO PAN, KHALEDA.S.AL-RASHEID & WEIBOSONG. Systematics and Biodiversity (2018), 1–15

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Marzo 6, 2024 a las 09:52 TARDE +07


2-months-old water sample from a river bay.