A bit under 5000’. Saturated silts and fine sands in a willow opening. Between the warehouses and Silver Lake. Formerly in Potentilla.
Flowers one, leaves pinnate; quick to get to in the old Jepson Potentilla key.
“Anser” is “of the goose.” Ssp. pacifica should be a coastal gal.
Rosoideae / Potentilleae / Potentillinae
Stepped about a foot from this nest unknowingly and the hen exploded into flight beneath me and startled me!
Ewe, mother and young lamb. Second photograph shows lamb chewing on mothers left horn.
Spent some time with this Kit Fox the other day. Tamed up pretty quickly to my presence
Lifer Gyrfalcon that day, after a number of very close calls across many, many years: "should've been here 5 min. ago!," "As soon as you guys left, it came by and grabbed a Ruddy Duck!!," "It flew right over those willows behind you, and then...," etc. Long story why I didn't have my scope, but nevertheless, I spotted her at the very edge of my binocular range, and lo and behold, it was the bird. And oh what a bird! Got to spend a good while watching it preen and dry heave and fly around a bit, too. Happy birder.
My best naturalist observation ever, on Christmas day
About 25 mm long. Matthew, I have emailed you re these.
Hundreds of individuals swarming two hummingbird feeders
Drama. These guys all normally get along pretty well, but here a squirrel decided to start something and nearly got kicked in the head as reward. Moments later they were back to munching sunflower seeds side-by-side again.
Say Hello to 'Bubba.' This magnificent, adult, male Mohave ground squirrel (MGS; Xerospermophilus mohavensis) was captured and released near Coso Junction, California, on June 6, 2019. It was a bit late in the year to capture an adult MGS, especially one so obviously well fed, above ground. That is because this species not only hibernates through the winter months, but it estivates through the hottest months of the summer; they hibernate or estivate for ~7 months of the year. Sadly, because of the pandemic, I could not return to my field site in 2020 and it does not look very promising either for 2021.
This Bump-head Mola was spotted feeding on the surface. There was plenty of food in the water at this time, salps, ctenophores, jelly fish etc. Additional sightings were noted
on this day by other fishermen and water craft, however no identifications received.
We noticed 3 crows pecking at something about 30 feet up a large tree. Turned out to be a Rat Snake. The crows kept trying to peck at the snake, but each time it struck back. They gave up after about 5 minutes.
This horned lizard was found with an ant head attached to its upper lip. The lizard was likely eating ants and the ant bit back, because stuck, and died. The head had been on for so long that it had stated growing into the lizard’s skin. When removal was first attempted the ant head was pulled, but the entire lizard pulled with the ant. The head had to be crushed between my finger to finally be removed.
What started out as an orderly morning orgy on the tip of a mustard leaf rapidly devolved into an epic fail as males continued to join the pile. The entire ball (at least two females in there) went over the edge, and for several seconds was held entirely by the legs of one male. After he let go, everyone dropped to the ground and a few extra-focused ones continued mating.
Saw this dead Monkey during a dive in Bali
Fairyfly. Note wings. 1mm or less
This roadrunner was at a bird feeder at Sandia Crest (~10,678 feet elevation!) and was first observed lying flat in the seed tray of the feeder. After it was disturbed by me and left, a few Mountain Chickadees arrived at the feeder. When I returned to the spot sometime later, the roadrunner was back in the feeder tray and then was observed on the ground under the feeder swallowing a bird -- perhaps a chickadee it had caught. Unfortunately I missed the actual capture of the prey bird.
a) The jumping spider resemblance is insane. b) The range of sizes among adults is insane. What is up with this fly.
She is building a nest from the foam pad on a swingset.
Peanut heist gone wrong!
Location: Makunda Christian Hospital, Karimganj District, Assam
Date: 20th May 2014
Equipment: Nikon D800 with Micro-Nikkor 105mm