Very viscid cap and stipe.
@natvik Do you think these are H. ceracea? I have never found them with so much viscid
Keyed out by a professional ecologist and we now think the id has merit. Living on a cedar tree, . Repeat appearance on this tree. Last year this fungus dissolved as the winter arrived.
Location now obscured to protect the specimen. Second collection of material made Dec 1, 2019 for possible DNA workup. Second collection under MF 74892
Results in Jan 2020: Oligiporus balsameus (formerly Postia genus)
Now listed in Gen Bank
1 aagtaaaagt cgtaacaagg tttccgtagg tgaacctgcg gaaggatcat tattgaattt
61 ttgaaggagc tgtttgctgg cctctagcgg ggcatgtgca cgctccgttc aaatccaacc
121 ttcatacccc tgtgcacctt ttgtagggtc gtggccgcga ggctgcgctc tatgttcatc
181 ataaactctt cagtatgtgt agaatgttca ttgcgtgtaa cgcatcttta tacaactttc
241 agcaacggat ctcttggctc tcgcatcgat gaagaacgca gcgaaatgcg ataagtaatg
301 tgaattgcag aattcagtga atcatcgaat ctttgaacgc accttgcgct ccttggtatt
361 ctgaggagca tgcctgtttg agtgtcatgg aaccatcaac cgttcatcct ttgttggatg
421 tggcggcttg gacttggagg cttatgctgg tttcttaacg ggatcggctc ctcttgaatg
481 cattagcttg aacctatgct gtatcggctg ttcggtgtga taattgtcta cgccgtggct
541 gtgaggcccg ttgaaagacg gtggtaggat cagcttctaa ccgtccctgc gaacgggaca
601 acatcttaat tgacctctga cctcaaatca ggtaggatta cccgctgaac ttaagcatat
661 caataagcgg aggaaaagaa actaacaagg attcccctag taactgcgag tgaagcggga
721 aaagctcaaa tttaaaatct ggcggtcctt gcggccatcc gagttgtaat ctggagaagt
781 gctttccgcg ctggac
Parasite on Daldinia
Found by Art McBreen
Added micro pics 04Dec2022
On fallen, rotting Quercus trunk, under loose bark. Colour of the colony from azure, deep blue, to yellow green. Monoblastic, rhexolytic, blueish tinged conidia.
Stalpers, J.A. 2000. The genus Ptychogaster. Karstenia. 40:167-180
Arx, J.A. von 1973: Further observations on Sporotrichum and some similar fungi. - Persoonia 7: 127-130.
What is this?!
Additional notes for sequences (bases on the right):
Originally posted to Mushroom Observer on Jan. 25, 2020.
Resupinate. Growing on a corticate Fagus grandifolia log. All structures inamyloid. Seemingly monomitic with abundant clamped generative hyphae with many branches. Some hyphae lightly encrusted and some with inflated hyphal tips. Spores smooth. Spore measurements from Piximetre: 3.8) 3.9 – 4.6 (4.7) × (2.6) 2.7 – 3.3 (3.4) µm, Q = (1.2) 1.3 – 1.5; N = 12, Me = 4.2 × 3.1 µm; Qe = 1.4
Individual spores: 4.08 × 3.26 µm, 4.17 × 3.45 µm, 3.90 × 2.94 µm, 4.75 × 3.24 µm, 3.75 × 2.76 µm, 4.32 × 3.13 µm, 3.88 × 2.57 µm, 4.59 × 3.25 µm, 4.47 × 3.24 µm, 4.42 × 3.00 µm, 4.14 × 2.70 µm, 4.28 × 3.24 µm
Additional notes for sequences (bases on the right):
Originally posted to Mushroom Observer on Jun. 24, 2015.
ITS sequence shows it's a Squamanita but there is no close match to existing records in Genbank.
The host is Amanita canescens and is a separate entry in iNaturalist (200288206)!
Cap 28-58mm across, stipe 85-104mm long, 3-7mm thick, gill edges ragged, odor faint, fruity, taste slightly bitter
Specimen 35
This mushroom was found on a mossy rock by a waterfall in a very moist microclimate
Large for the species: heads ~6 cm across, rays ~10 cm across. Not collected by me, but I got the approximate location of where it was found.
Growing on and deforming gills of Flammulina velutipes. Colony white and fluffy on PDA, producing thallic conidia. In culture, producing thick bundles of mycelium.
Rabbit dung. @werdnus have you ever seen something like this? F000208
By Sella River along trail.
On 150+ year old Thuja plicata, KOH reaction red, red-orange (pictured in close up of collection)
Pores .75-1 per cm, with white sebiculum, microscopy pending
The cap has an interesting crunchy texture.
Growing on well decayed wood.
Spores smooth, inequilateral, 10.5 – 13 × 5 – 6.5 µm, with 1 or 2 oil droplets per spore. 8 spores per ascus. Asci walls invisible in KOH.
Spore measurements:
10.6 [11.4 ; 12] 12.8 × 4.8 [5.5 ; 6] 6.6 µm
Q = 1.7 [2 ; 2.2] 2.4 ; N = 15 ; C = 95%
Me = 11.7 × 5.7 µm ; Qe = 2.1
Spores 4-4.5 x 2.2-3 µm.
On a huge standing dead Madrone. Does not key out. Some obscure polypore. . . .
Small pores 2-3/mm.
Trametes-like, but no hair and spores are quite different.
Growing on salad branch.
Cuphophyllus #930
Photo#2 - pileipellis
Caps - 2 1/2 - 5 1/3 cm wide, convex to plane with irregular margins and some with sunken discs. Viscid at first, matte when dry. Tan becoming pale brown at disc. Randomely pock-marked.
Gills - Decurrent, arcuate, waxy,subdistant. Buff with a faint pale orenge tinge when observed sideways. Four tiers of lamellulae. Edges entire.
Stipe - 3-4 cm long and 7-9 mm thick. Canescent buff pruina on a watery tan ground. Base clavate.
Some white velar material at base. White canescent line at apex.
Odor & Taste - Mild.
Spores - White, inamyloid.
Habitat - Scattered under alder at Geneva Lake at the Stimpson Family Reserve on October 9, 2019.
Spores - Ellipsoid in face view, slightly dacryoid in profile. 7-9 x 4-5 microns. One large pale gray-blue oil drop in most. Q = 1.89.
Basidia - Clavate, 2 and 4-spored. 25-31 x 7-8 microns.
Gill Trama - Of interwoven hyphae.
Clamps - Present in pileipellis, stipitipellis, bases of basidia, and gill trama.
Pileipellis - Of interwoven hyphae 2-4 microns wide.
Pileal trama - Of radially parallel hyphae 4-10 microns wide.
Oleiferous hyphae - Present in stipitipellis.
Stipitipellis - Of vertical hyphae 3-10 microns wide.
Caulocystidia - Nests of branched and filiform hyphae with golf club (subcapitate) apices. 3-5 microns wide.
Comment - Close to Cuphophyllus borealis which differs by having a cutis of radially parallel hyphae for a pileipellis.
Peat dwelling small yellow Clavaria. Maybe something close to the description of C. argillacea. Fruitbodies ~.8-2cm
No color reaction in short wave UV.
Put on top of a stick for photos. Grew on the side of a conifer.
Non-bluing Hymenogastraceae growing on wood in a dry stream bottom primarily with Salix and Alnus
bracket fungi growing on dead snag near fragrance lake in WA, mostly white with colorful gooze coming out of it
This weird thing reminded me or orchid roots or some sort of finger fungus. It seemed to be growing from Vaccinium parvifolium, the red huckleberry. Found in a second growth conifer forest.
K-, slightly sweet scent, Doug fir
High elevation chaparral and mixed forest, Pseudotsuga macrocarpa, Pinus ponderosa, Quercus chrysolepis, Hesperoyucca whipplei.
Growing on leaves and twigs submerged underwater ~4 in deep in mildly turbulent stream from snowmelt runoff. Area had been covered in snow two weeks previously, but it was absent at the time of the observation, with last traces visible in between peaks at the highest elevation.
Most caps clearly developing and expanding underwater; others starting above water out of saturated margins of the stream. “Aquatic” caps bursting through layer of algae on surface of the water, but no algae on the underwater substrate.
Underwater caps alabaster at button stages, expanding to brown with white cracked pattern. Above-water caps more dome-shaped, velvety, zonate. Both hygrophanous. Gill margins white; consistent feature.
Stipe lacking annulus, extraordinary flexible for Psathyrella. Rigid inner layer (revealed by microscopy to be a dark conglutination) and a squishy, plastic-bag-like outer layer (consisting of lighter hyphae in pyramidal ridges).
Spores deposit purple black.
Spores cigar brown. KOH+ fuscous. With apical pores. [11.8] 12.25-13.18 [13.9] x [6.2] 6.62-7.2 7[7.8] μm
Q [1.71] 1.74-1.89[2]
Spores measured from spore print deposited from mushroom cap that developed underwater; evidence for this is the presence of diatoms in the cross section of this mushroom.
On this same cross section are spores that appear to have germinated on the gills.
On raised sphagnum hummocks in poor fen. Fruiting bodies 1-2 cm
Spores globose, 10microns
Dog-found in the Holiday Farm Fire burn area (burned in Sept 2020). Douglas fir forest with a few incense-cedars. Burn low to moderate severity. Spores larger than an Oregon black truffle's spores and refuse to squash free from the flesh. White latex when cut. Fruit body was very firm/dense.
Cap cream, convex to plane. Gills clitocyboid. Young specimens with vellipellis. Odor farinaceous. Growing on dead live oak.
maybe?? On Blennosperma
~1 mm growths attached to dangling dead portions of a Salmonberry stem. I checked back on these a few weeks later and they remained unchanged in appearance. Currently stumped as to where to even start in narrowing down the ID -- any and all ideas would be awesome!
Occurring on old Ohia(Metrosideros p.)stump, native forest. Multiple fruiting bodies in various stages. Quickly staining brown with touch/pressure. Location approximate, no microscopic data.
/Marasmiaceae. Tough fruiting bodies, thickened stipe apex, on wood, odorless
observation of the host'
on bark of living Quercus kellogii.
first three photos by @milavth
Strange one, I thought it was Tubaria..
on soil, with alder, blue under UV. collected
I am going to need some help on this one. I have never seen anything like it, nor has my mushroom ID group.
Growing on an Alder log in a mixed (mostly deciduous forest).
They were growing like from rudimentary stipes with the caps hanging below. They were also fruiting in pairs growing at different rates. I harvested two pairs.
Under the bell shaped "cap" are a round of "gills".
These specimens were 1 cm wide by 2 cm long. The outside was EXTREMELY viscid. I could barely hold on to them and the slime dried to my slide that I was trying to get a spore print off of.
Spore print white.
Spores were really tiny, they reminded me of T. versicolor. These spores are a sausage shape with two guttules at either end of the spore. I have mounted the spores in DI water at x100 and x400. I have some other random microscopy images of some of the gill trama, I was looking for basidia, but was unable to find any. I do think I found cystidia though.
I have the dried specimens stored and labeled.
Sequenced on 3/3/21 by FunDis:
Nucleotide Sequence
Grows loosely attached to bark on living Quercus garryana. Hymenium lacks pores but looks finely granular probably due to very large basidia (up to 50 microns beyond rest of hymenium and long sterigmata (10-20 microns long. Spores are amyloid, roughened, thick-walled with refractive content, average 15.9 x13.8 microns. They have a small pip. Another possibility is Aleurocystidiellum. No good species match.
Growing out of mango wood chips, gregarious,
Gills: free crowded, butter colored. Lamellulea: 3 series
Stipe: hollow, tapering upward from sub-bulbous squamulous base, stipe staining readily reddish orange and fading to grey brown.
Annulus present.
Cap: 15-70mm convex to pano convex, white with brown/Black concentric scales/dots radiating from central broadly mammillate apex. Margin crenulate/wavy and semi striate.
Odor: fungal with light smell of anise
Taste: mild/none
This observation is for the fungi.
Western Thatching Ant (Formica obscuripes) clinging to grass stem, with unknown entomopathogenic fungi. The two springtails are Entomobrya triangularis and appeared to be eating either the ant, the fungi, or both. Photos of the same ant one day earlier (with abdomen still intact) are here:
Observation for the ant is here:
Observation for the springtails is here:
Amazing how something so distinctive can be so difficult to identify. On dead Thuja plicata I believe.
Growing on Corylus cornuta. There seem to be quite a few genera in Sordariomycetes that have orange conidiomata. Allantoporthe decedens is also possible.
Third time I have seen this at work this month! Always on alder!
spores: light or white. images 2,3 are dry but fresh (know that's myco-sinning!!) Image 4 is in water.
Funny plastic like odor. Found by pdvmushroom, see
??? There was 3 Amanita in the vicinity of the oak. 1 had traditional A. phalloides coloring