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Garcita Verde (Butorides virescens)




Agosto 11, 2019 a las 09:43 MAÑANA EDT
Garcita Verde - Photo (c) Tom Kennedy, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Tom Kennedy
Identificación de annettem: Garcita Verde (Butorides virescens)
Añadido el 11 agosto 2019
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Chipe de Pradera (Setophaga discolor)




Octubre 12, 2018 a las 09:37 MAÑANA EDT
Chipe de Pradera - Photo (c) Josh Vandermeulen, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), subido por Josh Vandermeulen
Identificación de annettem: Chipe de Pradera (Setophaga discolor)
Añadido el 15 octubre 2018
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Vuelvepiedras Negro (Arenaria melanocephala)




Octubre 13, 2018 a las 10:28 MAÑANA PDT


Single individual was seen on the west facing side of the island.

Vuelvepiedras Negro - Photo (c) Donna Pomeroy, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Donna Pomeroy
Identificación de annettem: Vuelvepiedras Negro (Arenaria melanocephala)
Añadido el 15 octubre 2018
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Aguililla Cola Roja (Buteo jamaicensis)




Octubre 14, 2018 a las 08:27 MAÑANA EDT
Aguililla Cola Roja - Photo (c) Craig K. Hunt, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), subido por Craig K. Hunt
Identificación de annettem: Aguililla Cola Roja (Buteo jamaicensis)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Chipe Castaño (Setophaga castanea)




ecoEXPLORE Username: raptorjonathan

Chipe Castaño - Photo (c) Irv, todos los derechos reservados
Identificación de annettem: Chipe Castaño (Setophaga castanea)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Aguililla Aura (Buteo albonotatus)




Octubre 14, 2018 a las 12:54 TARDE CDT
Aguililla Aura - Photo (c) Rachel Lee Young, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Rachel Lee Young
Identificación de annettem: Aguililla Aura (Buteo albonotatus)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Gaviota Occidental (Larus occidentalis)




Octubre 13, 2018 a las 11:46 MAÑANA PDT


So many of these birds were seen all throughout the day

Gaviota Occidental - Photo (c) Jamie Chavez, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de annettem: Gaviota Occidental (Larus occidentalis)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018

Fotos / Sonidos


Garza Morena (Ardea herodias)




Octubre 14, 2018 a las 03:32 TARDE EDT


Habitat: Found on a beach coast while feeding in the Fred-Howard park in Tarpon Springs.

Weather: 93 degrees, slightly windy, minimal cloud cover, very sunny, moderate humidity, not raining, found in mid afternoon.

Taxonomic information:
Kingdom: Animalia/Metazoa (multicellularity).

Subkingdom: Eumetazoa – have true tissues.


  • Bilateria – division of Eumetazoa into this clade based on bilateral body symmetry.
  • Deuterstomia – division of Bilateria into this clade based on difference in developmental pathway(endoskeleton).

Phylum: Chordata

  • Single group based on the presence, at some point during their life cycle, of these four major characteristics: Notochord, hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal arches, muscular postanal tail.

Subphylum: Vertebrata

  • Division of the Chordata phylum into this subphylum based on these characteristics: a cranium(bony or cartilaginous structure that houses the brain), and a vertebral column(bony or cartilaginous column of interlocking vertebrae that replaces the notochord during development). Both of these structures are part of the endoskeleton, which contains living cells that secrete materials to build bone. Most vertebrates also have two pairs of appendages that are part of the endoskeleton.

Class: Aves

  • Division of Chordata phylum into this class based on these characteristics: Feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, high metabolic rate, a four chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton.

Order: Pelecaniformes

  • Division of Aves class into this order that include medium and large sized waterbirds found worldwide.
  • Defined by all birds that have feet with all four toes webbed.

Family: Ardeidae

  • Commonly called Herons
  • Division of Pelecaniformes order into a family of medium to large sized coastal and freshwater birds with long(very strong) legs, long harpoon-like beaks, and long necks. Their wings are broad and long, exhibiting 10 or 11 primary feathers, 15-20 secondaries, and 12 rectices. The feathers are soft with strikingly complex plumage. The feet have long, thin toes, with three forward-pointing ones and one pointing backward. Herons may resemble birds in other families, but differ from these in flying with their necks retracted, not outstretched. They are also one of the bird groups that have powder down.

Genus: Ardea

  • Division of the Ardeidae family into this genus that is commonly referred to as the Great Herons.
  • This division is associated with their large size. These large herons are associated with wetlands where they pray on fish, frogs, and other aquatic species. These are powerful birds with large spear-like bills, long necks and legs, which hunt by waiting motionless or stalking their prey in shallow water before seizing it with a sudden lunge. They have a slow steady flight, with neck retracted(characteristic of Herons), distinguishing them from other birds.

Species: A. Herodias

  • Species commonly called the Great Blue Heron.
  • Species of Ardeidae family characterized by: slaty flight feathers, red-brown thighs, and a paired red-brown and black stripe up the flanks; the neck is rusty-gray, with black and white streaking down the front; head is paler, with a nearly white face, and a pair of black or slate plumes runs from just above the eye to the back of the head. The feathers on the lower neck are plume-like. The bill is dull yellowish, becoming orange briefly at the start of breeding season, and the lower legs are gray, also becoming orangey at the start of breeding season. Two of the three front toes are generally closer together. In a track, the front and back toes, often show the small talons.
  • Distinguishable from other species in this family by its coloration, size, and primarily the retracted neck seen when they are in flight.

ID justification: This organism is species A. Herodias because it had bilateral symmetry(Bilateria). It was also a vertebrate with an endoskeleton, and two pairs of appendages(Vertebrata). It had wings and toothless beaked jaws(Aves). It was a large sized waterbird(Pelecaniformes). It had long, broad wings that seemed helpful in its slow, steady flight, along with long harpoon-like beaks, long necks, and long /strong legs(Ardeidae). It’s large size made it distinguishable among the waterbirds, as well as their spear-like bills. I saw it hunting in a shallow area with a slow, methodical approach that eventually lead to a quick lunge, which was successful in catching its prey, which I also observed. It had a notably retracted head when in flight, a highly distinguishable characteristic of the Herons(Ardea). Lastly, its specific species was identified through its color scheme that was rusty-gray(appeared to simulate the ‘blue’ that gives this species its name), with a white face and black plumes that trailed from above the eye to the back of its head. The bill was also a yellowish/orange. This large bird appeared to be almost two feet tall with a large wingspan.


Habitat - The great blue heron can adapt to almost any wetland habitat in its range. It may be found in numbers in fresh and saltwater marshes, mangrove swamps, flooded meadows, lake edges, or shorelines. It is quite adaptable and may be seen in heavily developed areas as long as they hold bodies of fish-bearing water. They rarely venture far from bodies of water, but are occasionally seen flying over upland areas. They usually nest in trees or bushes near water's edge, often on islands (which minimizes the potential for predation) or partially isolated spots

Range – Breeds from southern Canada south to the West Indies and Mexico. It winters as far north as southern Alaska and southern New England. It can also be found in the Galapagos Islands.

Garza Morena - Photo (c) Dan Roach, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Dan Roach
Identificación de annettem: Garza Morena (Ardea herodias)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018

Fotos / Sonidos


Sastrecillo (Psaltriparus minimus)




Octubre 14, 2018 a las 12:10 TARDE PDT
Sastrecillo - Photo (c) Kevin Krebs, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
Identificación de annettem: Sastrecillo (Psaltriparus minimus)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Chara Californiana (Aphelocoma californica)




Octubre 14, 2018 a las 02:19 TARDE PDT
Chara Californiana - Photo (c) Dawn Beattie, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)
Identificación de annettem: Chara Californiana (Aphelocoma californica)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Cuervos (Género Corvus)




Octubre 13, 2018 a las 12:57 TARDE EDT


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Genus: Corvus
Species: C. brachyrhynchos

Found throughout much of North America.

Cuervo Norteamericano - Photo (c) Joe McKenna, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de annettem: Cuervo Norteamericano (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018

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Azulejo Garganta Azul (Sialia mexicana)




Octubre 14, 2018 a las 01:10 TARDE PDT


At Sepulveda garden center

Azulejo Garganta Azul - Photo (c) uzun, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por uzun
Identificación de annettem: Azulejo Garganta Azul (Sialia mexicana)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Gavilán de Cooper (Accipiter cooperii)




Enero 28, 2009
Gavilán de Cooper - Photo (c) Abby Sesselberg, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Abby Sesselberg
Identificación de annettem: Gavilán de Cooper (Accipiter cooperii)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Porrón Osculado (Bucephala clangula)




Octubre 6, 2018 a las 04:20 TARDE AKDT
Bucephala - Photo (c) Gidzy, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)
Identificación de annettem: Género Bucephala, un miembro de Cisnes, Gansos, Patos Y Cercetas (Familia Anatidae)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Carpintero de Pechera Común (Colaptes auratus)


Octubre 12, 2018 a las 03:38 TARDE PDT
Carpintero de Pechera Común - Photo (c) Kala Murphy King, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), subido por Kala Murphy King
Identificación de annettem: Carpintero de Pechera Común (Colaptes auratus)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Girasol Rojo (Gaillardia pulchella)




Octubre 14, 2018 a las 03:59 TARDE CDT
Girasol Rojo - Photo (c) TexasEagle, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de annettem: Girasol Rojo (Gaillardia pulchella)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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Trepadorcito Americano (Certhia americana)




Octubre 2018
Trepadorcito Americano - Photo (c) Cynthia Crawford, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Cynthia Crawford
Identificación de annettem: Trepadorcito Americano (Certhia americana)
Añadido el 14 octubre 2018
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