Entre el musgo. Bajo Pinus sylvestris. Suelo calcareo.
Pie hasta 5cm de longitud. Sombrero hasta 1cm de diámetro. Olor a lejia.
Arista laminar con leves reflejos rojizos/marrón oscuro.
Abundantes pleurocistidios, visibles con la lupa.
Amanita fulva Fr., Observationes mycologicæ 1: 2 (1815) [MB#212682]
Macroscopic Description:
Pileus is flat and can reach up to 4 cm in diameter, although in more mature specimens it may be slightly convex and with striated edge. Cuticle reddish-orange in color, with a discolored margin. It has a universal veil on top, it is white but shows areas stained with a brick-red color. Lamellae are adnate to free and have an orange-pigmented edge, but the pigmentation is very faint.
Stipite is hollow, thread-like, reaching up to 6 cm in length, with a diameter of 0.3 cm at the apex and 0.6 cm at the base. Overall, it has a soft orange color, similar to that of the cap's margin, though this is difficult to see in the photograph. The color intensifies towards the base. The stem is undecorated at the top, but at the bottom, it has a more or less sac-like volva with remnants of the universal veil attached, stained with a reddish-brown tone similar to that of the cap. It does not stain when touched. Fungal odor.
Microscopic Description:
The veil is composed of broadly ellipsoidal elements, up to 50 µm in diameter, and elongated hyphae with vacuolar and encrusting pigment. The thin hyphae have a maximum diameter of 7 microns. No clamp connections were observed. The gill surface is covered with basidia (up to 45 x 15 µm) containing a large refractive content; these are lageniform and have 4 sterigmata (rarely 3, possibly abortive?). Additionally, there are cells that resemble basidioles (up to 40 x 12 µm), not true pleurocystidia. Pleurocystidia are absent or similar to basidioles, up to 40 x 12 µm (clavate). Basidia measure up to 45 x 15 µm, with a large granular refractive content and 4 sterigmata, though occasionally three are seen; the sterigma can reach up to 6 µm in length. Cheilocystidia are clavate, found only on the margin, which has no basidia or very few. They possess a yellowish pigment and measure 25-35 (40) x 15(-25) µm. Spores are globose or broadly ellipsoidal when viewed in profile, with a prominent and visible hilar appendage. In Melzer's reagent, they stain a bluish color, though not intensely, and show a large central vacuole.
12 [12.6 ; 12.9] 13.6 × 11.1 [11.9 ; 12.2] 13 µm
Q = 1 [1.1 ; 1.06] 1.1 ; N = 37 ; C = 68%
Me = 12.8 × 12.1 µm ; Qe = 1.1
On acidic soil, among the leaf litter of various broadleaf trees (Quercus and Castanea), with Pinus species present nearby. Collected on 06/08/2024, in Cambre, Coruña, Galicia, Spain. 43°17'32.3"N 8°18'17.6"W. Leg & Det: B. Rodríguez-de-Francisco. Voucher: BR526.
To determine the species, I followed the publication "Phylogenetic and morphological studies reveal large diversity and three new species in Amanita sect. Vaginatae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Europe. Mycological Progress (2024) 23:38 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-024-01974-0” and Fungi of Switzerland 4 - Agarics 2nd part, J. Breitenbach/F. Kränzlin. These studies describe Amanita fulva as a small species with a sac-like but fragile volva, a stipe without decorations but faintly colored like the cap, and a continental-Atlantic habitat. Also checked
If anyone is interested in the collection, I have preserved herbarium material, and you can request it (borja.rodriguezdefrancisco@gmail.com).
Agaricus sp. Trata-se do mesmo exemplar.