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Septiembre 20, 2020 a las 12:02 TARDE CDT


I found this squash bug on the back of my grandpa's truck. You can tell that this squash bug is an adult because it has wings. If you look back to the other picture of a squash bug that I had posted you will notice that it is a nymph and doesn't have any wings. These squash bugs are attracted to my grandpa's yard because he grows lots of pumpkins and squash.

Anasa tristis - Photo (c) Even Dankowicz, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por Even Dankowicz
Identificación de riddlemegold: Anasa tristis, un miembro de Chinches de la Calabaza Y Parientes (Género Anasa)
Añadido el 23 septiembre 2020
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Fotos / Sonidos




Septiembre 16, 2020 a las 05:14 TARDE CDT


I went to my local Hy-Vee to get some groceries so I stopped to check for insects in the flowers there. I found this black-shouldered drone fly on this flower.

Eristalis dimidiata - Photo (c) Gilles Gonthier, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)
Identificación de riddlemegold: Eristalis dimidiata, un miembro de Moscas de Las Flores (Familia Syrphidae)
Añadido el 23 septiembre 2020
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