Their stems are pretty tall and thin. The flower petals drop down. It is about an inch by 2 inches. I took this picture when it was in the 60s and sunny.
Presented to a group in Coppell about bobcats and coyotes this afternoon -- stopped at this park for lunch. Pretty manicured and not too much wildlife habitat...
David and I went out for a very enjoyable and rare snow day walk in the woods and braved close to record low temps to catch a glimpse of all the bird activity.
Cold and rainy again today, so I did a bit of 'drive by birding' at the entrance of the drying beds. :)
Short afternoon hike on The Colony Shoreline trail. Very windy and cool. Several cedar waxwings showed up while walking accompanied by several American robins; about 200 gulls out in Lewisville Lake along the shoreline near the trail.
Stopped by Cobb Park -- despite being almost completely invaded by privet, there are some nice pockets of limestone plants. :)