Late Summer Silence

Where did everybody go? Since mid-August I have not seen or heard owls, or the flocks of House Finches and House Sparrows that seemed to reside here permanently. Last year they disappeared in fall, eventually being replaced by a flock of Yellow-Rumped Warblers, then returned in April, after the YRW's left. We still have the local natives- Mourning Doves, Towhees, Mockingbirds, Scrub Jays, Hummingbirds, and (I think) a Wrentit. These birds are all fairly quiet. Is it like this every year, and I just never noticed?

We had 18" of rain last winter. Do some birds have a sense of approaching weather conditions, that provokes them to move away?

A week or so later, it seems the owls were not saying anything during the heat wave of August. Once the weather cooled, they were back to hooing and yawing as usual.

Publicado el septiembre 2, 2017 11:01 TARDE por crayonsss crayonsss


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