Walnut Canyon at Night- Near Fall Equinox

Sunday, September 24, 2017-
About 7:30pm I visited Walnut Canyon in the dark, hoping to see whatever rodents make the small circular holes in the dirt road. It was quiet in the Walnut Woodland, except for the sounds of cricket chirps and a couple of ticking katydids. When I turned to leave, a black, elongated shape glided silently over me and disappeared in the darkness downhill. A minute or so later, three Great Horned Owls began their nightly hoo-h-hoo's. Apparently I had arrived early for an 8:30pm concert.

Every time I visit Walnut Canyon I photograph a species I have not documented on the property before, this time I photographed a Western Brush Cricket and a live Jerusalem Cricket, while the owls sang all around me. I have still not seen the rodents that make any of the holes. What time do they come out and make these holes? There are thousands of them!

Publicado el septiembre 25, 2017 10:49 TARDE por crayonsss crayonsss


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