Owl Humor?

There are at least four Great Horned owls in my neighborhood. Now, in mid October, they are quiet much of the time. Sometimes, however, they all get together and sing. They start with fairly random hooting, low voices and high ones, spaced about 20 seconds apart. As the hooting continues, the time between them shortens, eventually one voice overlaps another (like singing in a round), sometimes hooting in unison, building in frequency like a concert. After a few minutes they slow the pace, then rest. In that beautiful silent moment, one lone owl, as loud as possible and with perfect comedic timing, says: "eeeeyuuuuwh-UHP!"

Publicado el octubre 16, 2017 11:10 TARDE por crayonsss crayonsss


Fotos / Sonidos


Búho Cornudo (Bubo virginianus)




Julio 9, 2017


Found 2 large feathers on ground, where I found 3 Gho's previously. I think 2 adults + 1 young. For info on my GHO experience, see my Journal entry for July 03, 2017: "Owls".

Didn't find the Great Horned's this night, but found 2 Western Screech Owls in same area, possibly nesting.

July 19, 2017: came face to face with this owl, sparkling in sunlight, then flew away. Got a poor shot, but you can see it!


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