My New Life

The last few years have been challenging for me. Most importantly, my mother died, leaving me to figure out my life of my own. No matter how old you are, losing your last parent is devastating, there's no way around it.

Being in nature, especially the hillsides in my own neighborhood, has been the most healing thing for me. I still make observations and add them to iNaturalist, for my project to save the hills from development. Yes, this project is ongoing. Development is still planned, but there's no timetable until the EIR is released, which has been in process for 3 years.

My friends and I in the committee "Friends Of Walnut Canyon" are hopeful for a result that shows the City of Los Angeles values wildlife and nature as much as they claim to. We continue efforts to preserve the hillside for recreational and educational use.

Publicado el mayo 31, 2021 12:24 MAÑANA por crayonsss crayonsss


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