Archivos de diario de julio 2017

18 de julio de 2017

Lichens in the Sierra Nevada

Let me begin by saying: I have NO IDEA what I am doing yet regarding lichens. I am at the fragile beginner's stage still. I have joined the California Lichen Society, thereby joining 150+ other people who have succumbed to the allure of these ubiquitous but oft-unnoticed denizens of our world.

This weekend we are headed to the mountains as part of the Sequoia Audubon Society's annual Mono Lake trip. So I decided to see what species of lichens had already been recorded in the Sierra Nevada here in iNaturalist. I went to "Places" and put in Sierra Nevada. Here's what I got:

Wolf Lichen
Brown-eyed Wolf Lichen
Emery Rocktripe Lichen
Brown Tile Lichen
Elegant Sunburst Lichen
Pleopsidium flavum
Whiskered Jelly Lichen
Brown-eyed Sunshine Lichen
Tattered Jellyskin Lichen
Broad Wrinkle Lichen
Western Waterfan Lichen
Farinose Cartilage Lichen
Yellow Map Lichen
Tree Pelt Lichen
Fancy Frost Lichen
Rock Jewel Lichen
Parmelina quercina
Effervescent Tarpaper Lichen
Blistered Jelly Lichen
Flattened thornbush lichen
Sagebrush Goldspeck Lichen
Double-rimmed Saucer Lichen
Maritime Sunburst Lichen
Hooded Rosette Lichen
Imshaug’s Tube Lichen
Trumpet Lichen
Yellow Cobblestone Lichen
Witch’s Hair
Hoary Rosette Lichen
Bumpy Rim-Lichen
Golden Moonglow Lichen
Peltula euploca
Bare-bottomed Subburst Lichen
Fan Pelt Lichen
Lesser Salted Rocktripe Lichen
Green Starburst Lichen
Petalled Rocktripe Lichen
Peltula sahlbruckneri
Rose-petalled Jellyskin Lichen
Tufted Foxtail Lichen
Rhizocarpon bolanderi
Powder-tipped Rosette Lichen
Peltate Rimmed Navel Lichen
Colorado Rock-shield
Rimmed Navel Lichen
Shield Lichen
Candleflame Lichen
Varied Rag Lichen
Arizona Beard Lichen
Lipstick Powderhorn
Variable Wrinkle-lichen
Common Powderhorn
Membranous Pelt Lichen
Star Rosette Lichen
Pin-cushion Sunburst Lichen
Cumberland Rock Shield
Stonewall Rim Lichen
Pebbled Pixie Cup
Common Goldspeck
Dog Pelt Lichen
Orange Rock Posy
Hooded Sunburst Lichen
Salted Shield Lichen
Boreal Beard Lichen
Many-fruited Pelt Lichen
Budding Tube Lichen
Hidden Goldspeck Lichen
Plane Firedot Lichen
Tile Lichen
Friged Rosette Lichen
Blue-gray Rosette Lichen

Publicado el julio 18, 2017 03:21 TARDE por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de julio de 2017

Owling and Mothing at Bean Hollow Lakes/Cloverdale Ranches

So I didn’t get it together in time to actually have an official Sequoia Audubon Owls-n-Moths night at Cloverdale Ranches. But I have the permissions, and so I can go with my friends. I’ll need a few friends who have moth lamp equipment, but even without that we can go owling! Here’s my suggestion:

Saturday, July 29 – RSVP to this message
Meet at the gas station Mexican restaurant in Pescadero for dinner at 5:00.
We carpool to the property around 6:00 pm – time for birding and general iNat-ting
We set up moth lamps (if we have them) at two locations. We can stay on the property until about 11:00 pm. If we have generators, we have to be very careful to place them on completely bare ground, due to fire risk.
This is POST property that is normally not open to the public

I can take the first fourteen people who respond to this notice. Some of you will receive the notice twice – on email and on iNaturalist. Only one RSVP necessary.


Publicado el julio 27, 2017 08:55 TARDE por gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon | 33 comentarios | Deja un comentario