Archivos de diario de agosto 2022

06 de agosto de 2022

Pesky Acanthaceae: How to tell Justicia croceochlamys from Schaueria calytricha

Justicia croceochlamys showing its distinctive anthers.
Justicia croceochlamys: Type locality is Colombia. Yellow calyx. White flowers to 4 cm long. Yellow bracts subtending the flowers to 3.0 cm long by 0.5 mm wide. Bractlets (?) can be longer.
Two anthers. Anthers two lobed, upper lobe attached at an angle (but with no tail), lower lobe attached parallel to filament and with a short tail.
From: The Acanthaceae of Colombia. Emery C. Leonard. 1958. In: Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, Volume 31, published by the Smithsonian Institution.
Full text available at the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Page 532: Original species description in Latin.
Page 533: Illustration (including anther) & English description.

Schaueria calytricha: Type locality is Brazil. Yellow calyx. Yellow flowers to 4.5 cm long. Yellow bracts to 1.1 cm long by 1.0 mm wide.
Two anthers. Anthers two lobed, both lobes attached parallel to the filament and lacking tails.
From: Côrtes, Ana Luiza A., Thomas F. Daniel, and Alessandro Rapini. "Taxonomic revision of the genus Schaueria (Acanthaceae)." Plant Systematics and Evolution 302, no. 7 (2016): 819-851.
Full text available at Researchgate.
Page 826: Key to the species of Schaueria.
Page 820: Decsription of anthers found in the monophyletic Schaueria. Page 829, 831, 832: Description of S. calytricha. Page 830: Illustration of S. calytricha.

**Côrtes et al. (2016) recognize 14 species of Schaueria, three with yellow flowers and the others with white flowers. Many of these have relatively long, narrow calyx lobes or bracts among the flowers and iNaturalist has few (or no) photos of them, so be cautious when assigning species-level IDs.

Publicado el agosto 6, 2022 08:07 TARDE por m_whitson m_whitson | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

25 de agosto de 2022

Mystery Physalis of Australia: P. viscosa? P. hederifolia? Both? Neither?

Low-growing, rhizomatous populations of Physalis in Australia were originally thought to be P. viscosa. That's a coastal South American species, so you can imagine it getting introduced with ship's ballast. As a member of Section Viscosae, it should be covered in a velvety-layer of short, dichotomously branched hairs and have fruit ripening from golden yellow to tangerine orange.

Here are some nice examples in their native South America:
Branched hairs, orange fruit:
Branched hairs:
Branched hairs, orange fruit:
Orange fruit:
Orange fruit, not very hairy:
Orange fruit, not very hairy:
Nice branched hairs:

Physalis viscosa has also been reported as an invasive in South Africa. Some good examples:
Branched hairs:
Branched hairs:
Branched hairs:
Branched hairs:
Rhizome & non-reflexed corollas:
Nice branched hairs:

Now to compare to plants in Australia:
Here's everything currently identified as P. viscosa from Australia:

A group of plants with non-reflexed corollas and what look like branched hairs:

Publicado el agosto 25, 2022 02:53 MAÑANA por m_whitson m_whitson | 8 comentarios | Deja un comentario