22 de enero de 2024

Wildlife Photo Galleries

Here a few of my favorite wildlife galleries:

Publicado el enero 22, 2024 11:45 TARDE por presto84 presto84 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

28 de diciembre de 2023

What's In My Bag?

I'm always curious what photography gear other iNat contributors use in the field. Perhaps others might be curious about 'what's in my bag'. I have two basic photography gear 'kits'…

  1. The minimalist kit typically stays with me in my car and is almost always ready for spontaneous observations most anywhere I go.
  2. A larger, more complete kit is best suited for longer, planned outings.

Minimalist Kit

  1. Nikon Z50 Camera Body: This crop sensor (DX) mirrorless camera is small and light enough to be a very good go-anywhere camera that takes terrific photos and has enough resolution for iNat observations. It usually travels with two excellent kit lenses which are small, light and together provide a wide range of focal lengths…
    • Nikkor (Nikon) 16mm-50mm Z mount DX f3.5-6.3 zoom lens
    • Nikkor (Nikon) 50mm-250mm Z mount DX f4.5-6.3 zoom lens
  2. Olympus TG-4 (Tough) Camera: Currently on loan from a friend, this point-and-shoot camera does a good enough job with some macro and occasional wide angle situations. Its built-in GPS is a nice feature and though it won't ever replace the more versatile Nikon ILCs, it has earned a place in my small kit. The add-on flash diffuser (LD-1) is a worthwhile accessory for adding light to macro shots.
  3. Galaxy S9+ Phone: Only used when the other dedicated cameras are not available, it gets very infrequent use, but is almost always with me (sometimes the other two are not). 'The best camera is the one you have with you!'

Complete Kit

In addition to the above, my complete camera bag also includes…

  1. Nikon Z6 Camera Body: This is my 'workhorse' camera that is usually paired with either…
    • Nikkor (Nikon) MC 105mm Macro f2.8 prime lens
    • Nikkor 24mm-70mm f2.8 zoom lens
  2. Nikon D500 Camera Body: This is also a DX (crop sensor) DSLR body with the extra battery pack and grip attached. It is usually paired with either…
    • Nikkor 200mm-500mm f5.6 zoom lens
    • Nikkor 300mm PF f5.4 prime lens
  3. Peak Design Carbon Fiber Tripod: While this will never replace my full size tripod, this has the advantage of extreme portability as it easily travels attached to my camera bag as carry-on luggage.
  4. Garmin eTrex 10 GPS: Though my phone provides some GPS data for my connected Z50, this invaluable device makes it easier to geotag images from my D500 and Z6. It's also more accurate than the phone's GPS data and includes altitude readings as well.

Not listed are the usual accessories like filters, straps, clips, cables, spare batteries chargers.

Publicado el diciembre 28, 2023 08:40 TARDE por presto84 presto84 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de noviembre de 2023

South Florida Trip

We had a successful recent trip to South Florida. All observations have now been added. Notable locations include:

Loxahatchee National Wildlife Preserve

  • Observations = 40 (includes several for the Bedner's Farm Market nearby)
  • Species = 40 (32 new to me)

Wakodahatchee Wetlands

Snake Warrior's Island Wildlife Area

John Knox Village, Pompano Beach

Was delighted to add two new raptors to my life list, an American Kestrel and a Cooper's Hawk.

Thanks to all the iNat reviewers and taxon experts for the IDs, corrections and helpful comments (too many to name).

Publicado el noviembre 14, 2023 06:03 TARDE por presto84 presto84 | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Arizona Trip

Finally added all observations from our recent 2-week trip through Arizona. Stats:

  • Observations = 353
  • Species = 203 (151 new to me)

Thanks to all the iNat reviewers and taxon experts for the IDs, corrections and helpful comments (too many to name).

Publicado el noviembre 14, 2023 05:38 TARDE por presto84 presto84 | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de diciembre de 2022

Waterfowl Surprises

I've been pleasantly surprised to observe and photograph 11 new species of waterfowl this year; just since July. In addition to the ubiquitous Canada Geese, Mallards and Mute Swans there were Common Goldeneyes, Tufted Ducks, Redheads, Northern and White-cheeked (leucistic morph) Pintails, Buffleheads, Ring-necked Ducks, Red-crested Pochards, Blue-winged Teals, Ruddy Ducks and Graylag Geese. Not new, but always nice to see were the Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks.

Publicado el diciembre 29, 2022 05:07 TARDE por presto84 presto84 | 15 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de noviembre de 2021

November in Erie, CO

It's interesting photographing and attempting to ID the prairie plants in Erie, CO during November when everything is dry and 'dead'. The plants are especially beautiful this time of year, though perhaps more difficult to identify without flowers or green leaves (Yarrow excepted).

Publicado el noviembre 24, 2021 11:45 TARDE por presto84 presto84 | 6 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario