Archivos de diario de mayo 2018

06 de mayo de 2018

Flowers of the past

My path in science began long, long ago when I was school age. I took an internship at the museum of natural history where I worked for a while in the herbarium before deciding that wasn’t the life for me. I ended up getting a degree in botany anyway, although it was focused largely on molecular and not anatomical studies, but as time goes on, I have rediscovered my love of observing plants, and may even rebuild my plant press.

I still have the wildflower book that Dr. Chuck Finsley gave me back when I started. It is battered now, but much loved.

Publicado el mayo 6, 2018 06:03 MAÑANA por rozzychan rozzychan | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
