Archivos de diario de marzo 2021

10 de marzo de 2021

Odd Mourning Doves In Lexington, SC

My posts from January 31 and February 5 of this year included photos of a dove, maybe 2 doves, with bright, metallic splotches of a pink shade of color on the sides of the neck. The bird from January had it on the right side of the neck, the bird from February had it on the left side.

I have observed doves for many decades and have never seen this before. It could be the same bird, but I couldn't get photos of both sides either time. I keep looking for it/them(?) again, but no luck so far. I think it very interesting that 2 of them with such a distinctive mutation could show up here in the space of 6 days. If it is 2 birds, I would almost bet they had the same parents, but my best bet is that it is the same bird.

I will continue to watch all mourning doves in this area very closely.

Publicado el marzo 10, 2021 03:39 TARDE por rtwhitson3 rtwhitson3 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario