Species unobserved by me... "&unobserved_by_user_id=sambiology"

So, I think it was the amazing curator/observer/identifier and all around rockstar @bouteloua that chimed me into the filter "&unobserved_by_user_id=sambiology" -- it's a fun thing to use after doing a search of the species in an area.

I've not really considered myself to be a "lifer" sort of person, but I do like seeing new organisms that I'd not seen before. :) Using this filter is a pretty easy way to see the things you'd not seen before. As iNat grows and grows, more species will be documented from specific areas, so the filters become more and more powerful. I'm using this filter for the species I've not seen in spots.

Try it sometime! Search for a place on the filters as you explore... say a county or specific park (that has a place in iNat already), and then copy/paste the "&unobserved_by_user_id=_" and replace the _ with your username.

You can filter by taxon too -- so I like to see what plants I've not seen in an area. I went down to Tyler County in southeast TX to Watson Rare Plant Preserve, so I explored the plant species (fine-tuning to species level) that have been observed there:

Then I wanted to see the plants that I'd not seen before:

Neat, huh?!? :)

Publicado el noviembre 22, 2019 05:13 MAÑANA por sambiology sambiology



Publicado por georgenaturephotos hace más de 4 años

Thanks for sharing! I was thinking today about that Lee County list you sent me last May. Going to find it and see how many more species I might to able to check off.

Publicado por connlindajo hace más de 4 años

That's really cool!

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace más de 4 años

Somewhat related. I like to look at ones that people have made an ID on that still need confirmed.

Publicado por txlorax hace más de 4 años

That's really cool. We have a project for Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve BTW. https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/watson-preserve Is there a search string I can use to find plant species in Tyler Co. that are not in the project?

Publicado por lappelbaum hace más de 4 años

Super neat! Just found this post, and I love it!

Publicado por annikaml hace más de 4 años

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