Archivos de diario de octubre 2021

07 de octubre de 2021

2nd Nature Walk

For my second nature walk, I walked a little into the woos right off of campus. The weather was relatively warm this time around. When I think of fungi, I primarily think of mushrooms so I was mainly looking for those during my walk. However, as I passed by some trees I discovered types of fungi I didn't expect to see. The majority of my finds did appear to be mushrooms, but the variety of their shape and form did make me question if some of them were actually fungi at times.

Publicado el octubre 7, 2021 06:25 MAÑANA por seinpark seinpark | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de octubre de 2021

3rd Nature Walk

I actually went on my nature walk during my painting class. We had to go outside and observe the general landscape, and I decided to do my nature walk for this class along the way. I found observing plants to be pretty simple considering they are quite literally all around us, and I didn't feel like I had to seek them out like with the fungi. The nature walk overall was relaxing. I got to do some sketches of the leaves and berries that I observed along the way. I don't necessarily think I captured a large variety of plant life, but I still think there was a decent amount of variety in plants beyond just trees and leaves.

Publicado el octubre 20, 2021 03:56 MAÑANA por seinpark seinpark | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
