Observation Reflection Post

Today, I was focused on finding insects and other animals. One of the many things that I had found on my hike was this caterpillar. It appeared to be decreeing waste products and to be dead. However, when I did ever so lightly tabbed it twice, the head moved towards the rest of soft body, away from the supposed waste. On second note, the black beads may be food and the caterpillar may be resting or have low energy levels. The low energy levels, if it is the case, I wonder if it can be the result of a disease that prevents the caterpillar from fully maturing into a butterfly or a moth. Does anyone know how to identify moths or butterflies in the open field based on the caterpillar?

Publicado el mayo 24, 2024 12:40 MAÑANA por theresephillips theresephillips


Fotos / Sonidos


Mariposas Y Polillas (Orden Lepidoptera)




Mayo 23, 2024 a las 09:06 MAÑANA PDT


The question is whether if it’s alive or not and is it excreting waste


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