Campos de observación

Los campos de observación son campos de datos adicionales que se pueden agregar a las observaciones.

Nombre Fecha añadida ↓ Tipo de datos Descripción
fungal infestation 13/05/2024 text
叶三刺角蝉Tricentrus foliocornatus 13/05/2024 text
PIT Tag Code (#2 animal) 13/05/2024 numeric PIT Tag Code for the second animal in an observation
Forest Overstay 13/05/2024 text Species of Trees in Canopy (write none if not present)
Trail # 13/05/2024 numeric Number of Trail in SESP
Range extension (Social Insects) 12/05/2024 text For social insects found outside their previously known range. Use "Hitchhiker" for insects found in a shipment, or insects that just crawled or flew off a shipment/vehicle without establishing a nest outside said shipment/vehicle.
Light Source: 365/395nm LED 12/05/2024 text Light Source: 365 and 395 nm LED
5. Is the plant located in a warm microclimate, such as being close to a wall, sidewalk, building, road, etc.? 12/05/2024 text Select best response, required question
Individuos(encontrados) 12/05/2024 text Cantidad de individuos encontrados
Código de campo 12/05/2024 text EC-000
Código de campo(EC) 12/05/2024 numeric Registro de colección
Sustrato(encontrado) 12/05/2024 text Lugar en el que se encontró el organismo
Estrato(encontrado) 12/05/2024 text Altura en la que se encontró el organismo
Actividad(Encontrado) 12/05/2024 text Acción realizada por el organismo
Humedad relativa 12/05/2024 text %
Temperatura 12/05/2024 text °C
Salud 10/05/2024 text Describe la salud de la planta
Fressend an: 10/05/2024 text
Observation update 10/05/2024 text Notes about events that occurred after the original notes, when there is no new recording of the species in the original observation.
Brittlebush 10/05/2024 text
Interspecific cross 09/05/2024 text Name the two taxa
Interspecific mating 09/05/2024 taxon Other taxon involved (not in ID)
interspecific 09/05/2024 text Interspecific copula or (putative) hybrid individual
Less likely taxon ID 09/05/2024 taxon
More likely taxon ID 09/05/2024 taxon
Possible taxon ID 09/05/2024 taxon
Freshwater Macroinvertebrate? 09/05/2024 text Is this observation for a freshwater macroinvertebrate? Answer Yes or No
Is this bird at or around a bird feeder? 09/05/2024 text
Disease/Injury? 09/05/2024 text What disease or injury does this bird have?
Spore microscopy 08/05/2024 text Is spore microscopy available?
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