Got a Mission?

The Vermont Atlas of Life wants you to log any and all biodiversity sightings into the database. But sometimes biologists, land managers, students and citizen naturalists have important areas of interest that need our focus. Perhaps it is a conservation concern species that lacks data, the spread of an invasive species that needs to be tracked, understanding the phenology (timing of natural history events) of flowers, or the breeding locations of a colonial bird. There are many possible examples. Click on "missions" on the banner above to find a list that will continue to grow and change as needs arise.

Publicado el febrero 6, 2013 12:45 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland


Hearing the fisher program recently on Vermont Edition reminded me that we don't have a fisher photo record yet in the Vermont Atlas of Life. Anyone care to dredge up an old fisher photo, or better yet, go get a new one? It's our last (but not Least) weasel.

Publicado por kylejones hace más de 11 años

I've seen their tracks but sadly it was before I was using iNaturalist.

Publicado por charlie hace más de 11 años

We've had track observations for a while, but I was looking for the real deal. We've got a record in there now.

Publicado por kylejones hace más de 11 años

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