My Second Trip to LLELA

Well today was a very unexpected day for me. I got to see all sorts of neat birds today some of them old lifers that I have not seen in a long while. A couple of these birds are new to the life list and one was a very special find. When we first arrived at the LLELA we saw two big Bald Eagles on top of the dam sitting up. They stayed around for a good while until it was time to go on a hunt. I was able to snap several photos of the magnificent birds they made up the very first photos that I would get of the Eagle. At the same time we happened upon my first newest lifer to the list; the North American Osprey was the bird we encountered during the Eagle viewing. The Osprey left my camera view as it flew off but my mother was able to get the shot. We decided to head off to the Bittern Trail where I went when my grandmother was in the hospital after her surgery. The first time I was out with @sambiology @brentano @mchlfx @briang and the rest of our field investigation trip members. I was hoping we would find some Green Tree Frogs and some American Rubyspot Damselflies. We arrived at the Bitter trail and we walked down and saw some of the damselflies. It was still kind of chilly and to be honest there were not as many of them as there were the first time I went out there. I was able to get a few of the little guys coming and going from the trail. I was able to get a few of other things like some kind of Black and Yellow fly that I am unsure of to give an ID. We saw a few Kingfishers but none were wanting their photo taken and were far off. We also heard some mallards off in the distance. Most of the birds were either exposed water birds, birds of prey, or secluded tree birds. I didn't get a photo of every bird I saw because they were hidden in the brush and the bushes. On the Bittern Trail Boardwalk we looked for a few Tree frogs but couldn't find any at the time. We looked for a while coming and going but still they were not out. Many of the reeds and grasses they were stuck on the first time I went out there were all blown over and very distraught looking. We went back and we to the parking lot after a while and then we went back to the car and drove off to the river trail and the homestead trail area. The first trail we went down was the Homestead trail. There we saw many Variegated Meadowhawks and a few other things. It was coming back from the homestead site we stopped by a pond and saw a few Green Tree Frogs. We finally found what we were looking for; It took a little doing but on some of the dead grasses we found them clinging to them as tight as possible. They are by far one of my favorite animals out there. I have to admit I did like the Osprey and the Bald Eagles too. It was time to head back and go on the river trail. We walked to the water's edge and saw a Neotropical Cormorant. It was my second time recording this bird. Normally I see Double- Crested Cormorants but today nature decided to switch it up for me. I have never seen a Neotropical Cormorant up this far; the very first one I saw was spotted in 2015 at the Pintail Trail down in Louisiana during our Winter Migration trek which was loads of fun. It was really cool to see the differences in the good light. I now realize that the Neotropical cormorant has less orange on its beak in the winter and is a much darker color in terms of the plumage. Well it was nearly time to head back and we made one more stop near the visitors center. The visitors center was closed but we saw a Red-Tail Hawk and a Little Kestrel hanging out on the power lines. The Kestrel was the second lifer I would make today. It was very fun I got to see a few Great Blue Herons and a few Great Egrets and stuff. It was soon time to get lunch and after lunch we stopped by Bob Jones Nature Center only seeing a few things like a Rough Green Snake and a few insects. All in all it was a great day and I hope that I do return to the LLELA very soon; who knows what else we might find out there. This is your pal Zachary Chapman signing off for now and I will see you on the trail.

Publicado el noviembre 25, 2017 06:40 MAÑANA por galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


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Águila Cabeza Blanca (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)


Noviembre 2017


Texas, US (Google, OSM)


Saw two of these marvelous birds today when me and my family went out to LLELA after eating all of that Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. This is the very first time I have ever got a picture of one of America's most treasured icons. The Bald Eagle is so beautiful. This one was on top of the dam looking down at us. A few times they circled around scanning for prey. I love this photo the most. It is by far my clearest shot. I was stashed away in the back seat and we have no roll down windows so I have to get a shot from the middle seat window. We saw this when we were just coming into the LLELA. Such an awesome day.

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Cernícalo Americano (Falco sparverius)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 01:02 TARDE CST


This guy is the very first Kestrel I have seen in my life that I can remember. This guy was so cute sitting on the power lines. This bird is so small compared to other birds of prey. I know they are the smallest of the Raptors we have here in North American but they are much smaller from what I imagined they would be. This was the only photo I got of this bird and it was not my best shot. I tried to get closer but the little guy flew before I could get a clearer shot at him. I will have to go back soon and see if I can't find another one. Still an impressive new find for my life list. Love these little birds.

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Culebra Verde Rugosa (Opheodrys aestivus)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 02:32 TARDE CST


My brother once again with his sharp eye pointed this guy out to us as we walked down the trail at Bob Jones Nature Center. This is my third encounter with this species of snake. They are just one of my favorite snakes. This one was acting kind of peculiar. He would shake his head from side to side but not swiftly just a gentle swaying motion. At first he had his head up and then kind of lowered it to the ground. These snakes are kind of odd in their behavior but they are very cool to look at. I like them anyway.

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Zopilote Común (Coragyps atratus)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 11:32 MAÑANA CST


This guy was in a tree next to our car once we headed back from the river trail at LLELA. This guy was so big and really beautiful. I love photographing vultures; they are just one of the many important birds of our world. They really help out with the dead animal matter that piles up. They are not so much as an out-lander as some people think they are. They are the good good guys that do good for the environment. Such a beautiful bird. Today was a great day for birding in general. Got to see some pretty cool stuff today. There is never a dull moment when I am out on a hike.

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Águila Pescadora Norteamericana (Pandion haliaetus ssp. carolinensis)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 09:54 MAÑANA CST


This guy was not taken by me but I did see it. My mother was the one who took this photo and allowed me to put it on iNaturalist. This is a second lifer for me today. I have never seen one of these. I tried to locate one back when I went to the coast on the winter migration trip. This thing came as fast as it went. I failed to get a photo with camera but hey I still got to see it. It was a really cool observation.

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Cormorán Neotropical (Nannopterum brasilianum)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 12:38 TARDE CST


This guy was sitting out in the middle of the river. He was perched on a tree that was slumped over. Not to sure what kind of cormorant this is. I know that we mainly get Double- Crested up here but I am not sure if this one is or not. Normally they are a grayer bird but this one was much darker.

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Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 10:43 MAÑANA CST


Here is one I am not sure I am familiar with. For the past few years now I have seen similar species but I am not sure if I have seen this particular one. this guy was pretty large and very cool. It had a light yellow color to him with some very interesting black detailing. It was a really cool little insect. We found this one on the Bittern Trail.

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Garceta Grande (Ardea alba)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 12:38 TARDE CST

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Aguililla Cola Roja (Buteo jamaicensis)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 12:59 TARDE CST

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Rana Arbórea Verde (Hyla cinerea)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 12:10 TARDE CST

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Avispa Papelera Anillada (Polistes annularis)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 10:04 MAÑANA CST


There were some big'o wasps out here today; and I am talking huge. This one was over an inch and a half. It was by far one of the biggest I have ever laid my eyes on. This guy was in the grass when I found him. He was red with dark wings, a black abdomen, and a few yellow spots. Not sure if it was a mud dauber or what but it was really cool. I am trying to get all my wasp names down this one is one I am not too familiar with.

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Rayadora Abigarrada (Sympetrum corruptum)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 12:23 TARDE CST


This guy was in the waystation near the pavilion when I found him. Not sure if he is a Wandering Glider because his color doesn't look right. @sambiology @briang @greglasley what do you guys thing?

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Caballito Escarlata Común (Hetaerina americana)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 11:16 MAÑANA CST

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Garza Morena (Ardea herodias)


Noviembre 24, 2017 a las 09:52 MAÑANA CST


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