March Monthly Photo Contest Candidates

The February candidates for Observation of the Month have been selected by Larry Clarfeld. Thanks to the abundance of amazing sightings by Vermont naturalists, there was no trouble at all finding enough candidates—the challenge was figuring out how to choose only four. Just like last month, if you are reading this, you are one of the judges. Look at the observations listed below and vote by adding a comment to this message with your selection. The observation with the most votes wins.

Vote for March! Voting closes in one week.


Would you like to select the finalists for the upcoming April vote? The first to claim the prestige will have the honors!

Publicado el abril 4, 2013 08:01 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland



Publicado por kpmcfarland hace más de 11 años

I'm a sucker for dark phase rough-legs anyway, and this is a great picture to boot.

Publicado por kylejones hace más de 11 años

Red-shouldered Hawk.

Publicado por khemeon hace más de 11 años

Placing my vote with #1

Publicado por janeogilvie hace más de 11 años

I'm going with #3. Great photo, and let's face it, birds get too much attention!

Publicado por crimmer hace más de 11 años

2 for me.

Publicado por rpayne hace más de 11 años


Publicado por lynnwatson hace más de 11 años

it was tough enough to narrow it down to these... my original list had 18! But since I only have one vote, I'll throw it towards #4. Love the composition and that beautiful reflection in the water!

Publicado por larry522 hace más de 11 años

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