Updating the Odanatans of Oe-Cusse Checklist

It turned out that I photographed a Xiphiagrion cyanomelas here in Oe-Cusse. This species is known to occurs elsewhere in Timor-Leste, (Manatuto, eastern side of the Island of Timor), but not in Oe-Cusse, we have now added this species to Oe-Cusse-s checklist. Malte Seenhausen was kind enough to ID a picture I had taken while looking for that perfect picture of a Neurothemis ramburii. This single picture is a great example of why, regardless of whether you think you have "already photographed that one", you should always shoot and upload your files, you never know what you may have captured. A behavior, a somewhat artistic shot, or a just killing time while waiting for the species you actually went there to photograph, just press that shutter, upload and share it with the community here.

I can now add Xiphiagrion cyanomelas to my list of species found in Oe-Cusse. The list is growing slowly but surely and as I recover from an stomach infection I hope to be strong enough to work on more records

1 - Orthetrum Sabina - 2- Orthetrum testaceum - 3- Tramea stenoloba - 4- Neurothemis ramburii- 5- Diplacodes trivialis- 6- Pseudagrion pilidorsum- 7- Anax guttatus- 8- Agriocnemis pygmaea- 9- Nososticta impercepta- 10- Rhinocypha pagenstecheri- 11- Ischnura senegalensis- 12 -Pantala flavescens- 13 - Xiphiagrion cyanomelas

Publicado el julio 30, 2018 11:21 MAÑANA por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


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