Newt Survey Monday 1/27/20 - South half

Coverage: South half of Alma Bridge Road (to the stop sign).
Time: 8:30 - 10:30 am
Rainfall: 0.0 so far today. 2.83" MTD, 15.15" YTD via Weather Cat
Vehicles: 14
Other: 2 bicyclists, 2 joggers
Live Newts: 0
Dead Newts: 317
Other species: (2) juvenile snakes, likely Garter Snake species

High number of dead newts following weekend rains. A few juveniles but not many. More fresh ones than usual - and still-squishy ones than could have been dry, then 'rehydrated' somewhat by the rain.

Publicado el enero 27, 2020 10:14 TARDE por anudibranchmom anudibranchmom


Oh, dear. So many dead. I can't stand it.
@anudibranchmom, I've seen dry newts rehydrated by the rain. It's very weird. They actually look fresher after the rain than before. There are a few examples in the "decomposed" project:

Publicado por truthseqr hace más de 4 años

@truthseqr I agree. Very sad.
As noted in the journal - there was bad GPS data from all the 317 photos from this survey date and I have deleted all the observations.
@merav I WAS on the south side, just cut-and-pasted hastily in this report. I have amended the headline.

Publicado por anudibranchmom hace más de 4 años

ok, I'm relieved (even though it doesn't matter).

Publicado por merav hace más de 4 años

@anudibranchmom, it's a shame to lose all the data you worked hard to collect. I think it would be ok to upload it, even if the GPS coordinates are all the same. Just enclose the blue markers with a circle that encompasses the entire south side of Alma Bridge Road. Hopefully this could be done in batch mode. @merav, what do you think about this idea?

Publicado por truthseqr hace más de 4 años

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