North side - 3/10/2020

March 10, 2020 (Tuesday) 9:00 am – 12:00 pm: 71 new dead newts, many of them fresh.
The weather was a bit cold, dry.
Following Saturday's rain, there were many freshly killed newts, in different stages of decomposition. I've only included ones that seemed fresh, so might have missed some of the older ones. I tried to remove all newts from the road. It was easier now to remove the very dry ones. I also removed the freshly killed ones, that were really gross. I was able to remove most of the newts, so next time would be easier to survey.
Other roadkills - 1 millipede, 1 earthworm, 1 moth.
Coverage: north part - the county park parking lot till the second stop sign.
Rainfall: (MTD: 0.23 in; YTD: 15.44 in). Data from -
Traffic: 5 trucks, 31 cars (including maintenance pickup trucks, 1 by Midpen and 2 from the quarry), 14 bikes, 1 motorcycle, 8 pedestrians.

Publicado el marzo 10, 2020 10:39 TARDE por merav merav


@newtpatrol, @anudibranchmom, @joescience1 - is anyone planning on surveying the south section this week? It should be interesting after the rain, especially as someone mentioned it was cleaned from all the old ones

Publicado por merav hace más de 4 años

@merav I could possibly do it (my foot's better, yay). I was wondering how things have been. If removing newts is now part of the job description, though, I am not sure I can handle that level of grossness. Let me know.

Publicado por anudibranchmom hace más de 4 años

I think it's better to remove them, as we don't know enough about their decomposition in this warm weather. It's less gross than I anticipated when they are dry. It's really bad when they are fresh

Publicado por merav hace más de 4 años

I just signed up today to do the south half, and am totally ok removing them as needed. I did remove most of them on the south half last week. There were a few stubborn ones that were left - those will be very obviously old and not to be counted.

Yay indeed for your better foot @anudibranchmom! If you're jonesing to do the south half tomorrow, I'll pass the torch for the day, just let me know. Otherwise, I'm planning on going in the morningish.

Publicado por newtpatrol hace más de 4 años

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