Finding New Locations for Under-documented Species in the Chicago Area

Hey all,
I'm sure that you're all aware that I've been zipping back and forth across Cook County, or the Chicago area, in search of birds and everything else I can get a photo of. I went after school yesterday to chase an extremely rare bird called a Lark Bunting. It did not end up showing itself for the many birders there looking. As I was walking through the grasses I saw something I only recently discovered in Cook County, the Common Five-lined Skink. A friend told me that he stumbled across one out basking on some rocks, and he flipped a couple, and there was another. I went a couple days later and flipped only a couple rocks before finding a few. Yesterday, as I was walking back to the car through the grasses, I noticed some boards and large logs. I knew that I didn't have time to flip for Skinks or Snakes, but it ended up being okay because a Skink ran in front of me on the path! A nice way to end a failed attempt to get a rarity.

Stay safe,

Publicado el octubre 7, 2020 01:07 TARDE por brdnrdr brdnrdr


Fotos / Sonidos


Gorrión Alas Blancas (Calamospiza melanocorys)




Agosto 1, 2019 a las 05:13 TARDE CDT

Fotos / Sonidos




Octubre 2020


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