October 24, 25, and 26 2020 Paramount Ranch

What a pleasure it's been to be out in the almost fall like weather! We visited Paramount Ranch three days in a row. On Saturday the 24th, we were fortunate to spot a pair of bobcats, probably the same youngsters Andrea saw and photographed so well a couple of months ago. We weren't so lucky in getting a good photo--saw them running away. So we returned to Paramount Ranch the two subsequent days in the hope of getting better photos. However we didn't see them. We're guessing that their movements may be random so the chances of finding them again are probably not as good as we thought.

That being said, there's something to be said for returning to the same location multiple times. Each time you become more familiar with the area and often notice things you didn't notice before. For inspiration, you might check out the book "The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature" by David Haskell, who explores the same patch of land for a year and reports his findings.

Returning to the same location is also an opportunity to photograph animals you've seen before but maybe in a different setting. For instance I got a pair of acorn woodpeckers perched low over the creek--a photo that is not your typical acorn woodpecker photo. And I finally saw the hairy woodpecker, a species I've seen and photographed elsewhere but not in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Finally, each time you return to a location you may find new species that you weren't expecting to see. For instance on Saturday I found a peg-legged compost fly--something I was not familiar with but interesting nonetheless.

The period between now and spring is often challenging for us nature lovers. It just means you must dig deeper to find inspiration.

Publicado el octubre 27, 2020 10:05 TARDE por naturephotosuze naturephotosuze


Fotos / Sonidos




Octubre 24, 2020 a las 01:58 TARDE PDT


Paramount Ranch

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Lince Americano (Lynx rufus)




Octubre 2020


Paramount Ranch

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Carpintero Velloso-Menor (Dryobates pubescens)




Octubre 26, 2020 a las 02:30 TARDE PDT


Paramount Ranch

Fotos / Sonidos


Carpintero Bellotero (Melanerpes formicivorus)




Octubre 26, 2020 a las 03:27 TARDE PDT


Paramount Ranch


Just love living your adventure and now I'd like to explore the area...believe it or not, I have not been there except for a pumpkin festival with kids eons ago :)

Publicado por scubabruin hace casi 4 años

Wow I’m so happy you saw 2 bobcats! Thank you for the book recommendation, I will check it out. We will definitely have to dig deeper these next few months, but I’m sure we will find some cool stuff.

Publicado por desertsolitude hace casi 4 años

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