Agaristinae ID notes

I'm down with a cold so thought I'd write my first journal post.

During the past few months I've become very interested in Agaristinae (Noctuidae) caterpillars and moths, which started as a personal mission to get the seasonably common (in Canberra) and fairly recognisable Pasture Day Moth recognised by iNaturalist's computer vision (which appears to be a success! Yay!).

Below are my notes (thus far) on patterns I've noticed when IDing some common Agaristinae moths and their caterpillars.

I haven't finished adding all the caterpillars yet. I was planning to include notes on Hecatesia spp, Eutrichopidia latinus and Periscepta polysticta but haven't come across enough IDed photographs showing dorsal and lateral view yet.

Publicado el agosto 10, 2021 02:55 TARDE por claudiarose claudiarose


Claudia, this is a magnificent journal post!!! Really wonderful comparisons and superb illustrations. Way to go! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace casi 3 años

Thanks Sam! Much appreciated

Publicado por claudiarose hace casi 3 años

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