6th Rock Cut CBC, Count 115, 12/27/14

Compiler: Larry Mcpheron
Year: 115 12/27/14
Weather: Low 30.0 f High 48.0 f. Clouds: Foggy. Rain: Light. Snow: None.
Effort: Participants: 5. Hours: 20.25. Species: 47. Total individuals: 16,035.

New high for count
** New for the count
cw=count week, bird species that were not found by anyone on the count, but were found in the 3 days before or after count day.
LC=Low Count, fewer birds found than in previous years.

Cackling Goose: 35
Canada Goose: 13,949* (as of 2020, we still haven't topped this one)
goose sp: 1
Mute Swan: 3**
American Black Duck: 3
Mallard: 276
Common Goldeneye: 17*
Hooded Merganser: 1**
Common Merganser: 45*
Red-breasted Merganser: 5**
Ruddy Duck: 5**
Wild Turkey: 7 LC
Cooper's Hawk: 2
Bald Eagle: 7*
Red-tailed Hawk: 15
American Coot: 16*
Ring-billed Gull: 163*
Herring Gull: 158*
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 1*
Rock Pigeon: 15
Mourning Dove: 113*
Great Horned Owl: 1 LC
Belted Kingfisher: 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker: 14
Downy Woodpecker: 21 LC
Hairy Woodpecker: 7
Northern Flicker: 13
American Kestrel: 2 LC
Blue Jay: 8 LC
American Crow: 80
Horned Lark: 1 LC
Black-capped Chickadee: 98
Tufted Titmouse: 4
White-breasted Nuthatch: 33
Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 1 LC
European Starling: 376
Cedar Waxwing: 8 LC
Lapland Longspur: 4*
American Tree Sparrow: 91
Field Sparrow: 6**
Dark-eyed Junco: 93
Song Sparrow: 16*
Swamp Sparrow: 1
Northern Cardinal: 19 LC
Common Grackle: 211**
blackbird sp: 20
House Finch: 16
American Goldfinch: 19 LC
House Sparrow: 33 LC

Publicado el septiembre 6, 2021 12:21 MAÑANA por neylon neylon


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