The Power of the Petri Dish!

I really love bugs. There is such tremendous diversity among insects and invertebrates, it's almost impossible to get bored studying and observing them!

One of the most valuable tools that I use to study bugs is the petri dish. I'm not good at taking photos, I don't have a great camera for macrophotography, but with a petri dish, I can contain a bug long enough to get shots of lots of different angles.

Another great thing about having petri dishes with you, especially if you're leading/on a public nature walk, is that you can share the experience of holding the bug without scaring those that may not want to touch the bug. I've been on a lot of walks (leading and just participating), where I'll find a bee or a wasp, grab it in a petri dish, and then even the most fearful person can hold it and examine it closely. And, after it's examined by everyone, you can return the organism without a tremendous amount of trauma/injury.

Great to have some petri dishes handy whenever you're outside! :)

I get my petri dishes here:
They're relatively inexpensive, but they're also plastic, so they don't always last too long... They scratch and crack, and when I have one in my back pocket, I'll almost always sit on it! Nonetheless, they're super useful.

Have you tried using petri dishes???

Publicado el febrero 19, 2022 12:00 MAÑANA por sambiology sambiology


That's a neat idea, I might buy some!

Publicado por pinefrog hace más de 2 años

Yes, I use them a lot. And indeed they are super useful!


Publicado por susanhewitt hace más de 2 años

Thanks for reminding me I need to make sure I take some when I leave the house tomorrow for our El Camino Real TMN field day. Thank you for sharing this idea with me several years ago. It's about time for me to reorder.

Publicado por connlindajo hace más de 2 años

I get through a lot of them and have to re-order often.

Publicado por susanhewitt hace más de 2 años

It's silly, but I even hold on to the scratched and even minorly cracked ones. I use these bottoms and tops for aquatic stuff, where I don't have to have a lid to prevent the little critters from jumping/flying out.

I know that some folks get glass petri dishes, but knowing my luck, I'd have one of those in my back pocket and would definitely crack that and slice my hiney! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 2 años

They are also useful for examining Cenchrus sandburs.

Publicado por amzapp hace más de 2 años

Petri dishes are the best! They're especially great for getting nice, clear underside shots of spiders and other arthropods.

I always have at least one in my car, just in case... and can hear it clanking around in a cupholder in my backseat while driving, just out of reach :D

Publicado por wildcarrot hace más de 2 años

Right on.

Publicado por centratex hace más de 2 años

I use your idea in my high school Biology class just this week! Thank you for this idea.

Publicado por mrbiology03 hace más de 2 años

Great idea, I'll have to get some. I always carry some disposable latex gloves when I'm prowling the woods or prairies so I can see what's inside any wild critter scat I come across.

Publicado por chuckwilliamson hace más de 2 años

Got my petris today! To go with the white sheet and mothing setup. But ... I canNOT seem to locate a non-LED blacklight with enough wattage anywhere. The source Mary (rednat) bought hers though a year ago went out of business. Any ideas there? (PS - the HPB invertebrate survey was postponed, so I'll be spending time perfect my game at home with my fellow 6- and 8-legged Earthlings).

Publicado por dirtnkids hace alrededor de 2 años

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