You would think Sphecodes. But a Lasioglossum shares the color scheme

Both John Asher and August Jackson ID'd as Lasioglossum ovaliceps. Lisa Robinson pointed out: scopae on this Lasioglossum - key difference from Sphecodes.

Publicado el agosto 24, 2022 04:52 TARDE por cappaert cappaert


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Julio 14, 2022 a las 09:28 MAÑANA PDT


That was so obvious, since Cuckoos don't carry pollen - but it took me SO long to realize that! Kept looking at the ovalicepss IDs and wondering how they did that.

Another thing, Sphecodes and most cuckoos are heavily punctated. I guess that gives them better armor.

Publicado por wenatcheeb hace casi 2 años

And I hadn't thought of the armoor angle.

Publicado por cappaert hace casi 2 años

Lasioglossum ovaliceps is one of some of the red abdomen sweat bees in the PNW. I want to say many of them are crepuscular (?). Another unique feature to this species is that the females have a bit longer heads (due to their name).

Publicado por m-stanton hace casi 2 años

Crepuscular to boot! Cool. I hope I find some one day.

Publicado por wenatcheeb hace casi 2 años

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