URGENT please comment re Gnangara pine plantation & Carnaby's black cockatoos by Monday 19th December 5pm

Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos (Ngolyenok) are a Western Australian icon. These incredible birds were once so prevalent that flocks could black out the skies of Perth as they migrated from their coastal habitat out to the Wheatbelt in search of ancient Eucalypts to nest in.

But, over the last decade, their population has plummeted by nearly 40% due to the destruction of their feeding habitat in the Perth-Peel Coastal Plain. Now these iconic cockies are listed as Endangered and are on a path to extinction if we continue with business as usual.

Can you take action to protect one of their few remaining strong holds?

Read our Supporter Guide for tips on how to
add your comments at the WA EPA website
From today, the WA Environmental Protection Authority is receiving public comments on a governmental plan that could permanently destroy vital feeding habitat for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos in the Gnangara pine plantations, just north of Perth.

After the removal of two thirds of Perth’s Banksia woodlands Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos changed their diets and now heavily rely on the pine plantations for food and roost sites.

Results from recent Great Cocky Count surveys have found that up to 70% of all Carnaby's in the Perth-Peel Coastal Plain are concentrated in the Gnangara pine plantation.

The WA Government’s plan would escalate the clearing of the Gnangara pine plantation without considering the impacts on Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos.

Can you use our handy guide below to add your comments and let the WA EPA know feeding habitat for Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos must be protected?

Comments are due by Monday the 19th December at 5:00PM and its important that the WA EPA hears from as many people as possible so they know that the public is concerned about this issue.

Together we can make a difference for our birds,
Merryn Pryor
WA Black-Cockatoo Project Officer

Gnangara Pines Supporter Guide, with photo: Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo by Nathan Watson
How to make a submission:

Visit the WA EPA comment survey.
Add your name, contact email, organisation you represent (if relevant, you can put personal otherwise) and postal address.
Indicate that your preferred option for decision by the EPA is: Assess – Public environmental review.
Add a few comments about why you care about this issue and why you think the EPA must assess the plan (see suggestions below).
Indicate in your comments that there must be an immediate moratorium on pine harvesting until a final decision is made.
Indicate if you would like to be notified when the final amendment is approved.
Submit your comments.
Suggested Comments you could make:

The destruction of the Gnangara pine plantations would have a significant impact on Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos (Ngolyenoks) because:
The population in the Perth-Peel region has already declined 35% in a ten-year period.
Over two thirds of their banksia woodland feeding habitat has been cleared.
The Gnangara pines hold up to 70% of the Perth-Peel population in the non-breeding season and is an important roosting and feeding habitat.
The Gnangara pines hold up to 70% of the Perth-Peel population in the non-breeding season and is an important roosting and feeding habitat.
Studies show that the destruction of the Gnangara pines would result in an additional reduction of the Perth-Peel population by 56%.
Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos (Ngolyenoks) are nationally-listed as Endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
The Federal Government’s recently released 2022-2032 Threatened Species Action Plan lists Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos (Ngolyenoks) as one of 22 priority bird species where efforts will be focused to reduce the risk of their extinction.
Previous Forest Management Plans failed to assess the impact of the destruction of pine feeding habitat on Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos.
The Strategic Assessment of the Perth and Peel Regions has been deferred indefinitely and thus the destruction of the pine feeding habitat will not be formally assessed through that process.
A formal assessment would ensure proper accountability of the State government for the impact of the destruction of pine feeding habitat on Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos (Ngolyenoks).
A formal assessment would allow public participation in decision-making. This is important because of the failure of previous Forest Management Plans to address the impact and the failure of the Strategic Assessment of the Perth and Peel Regions to reach an outcome, despite being commenced in 2011.
There must be an immediate cessation of harvesting of pine in the Gnangara plantations while a thorough assessment is conducted. Destruction of Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo (Ngolyenok) feeding habitat must stop now or they risk starvation.

Visit the WA EPA website
to add your comments


Publicado el diciembre 14, 2022 11:33 MAÑANA por kezzza4 kezzza4


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