Blue spruce (Picea pungens)

This photo was taken on March 8, 2023 in the College of Staten Island. It was taken at 3:14 pm EST. The weather is 46F and the wind is 16 mph. Humidity was 44%. It was a sunny day. The tree is relatively small in size and the leaves look as if they are light green in color.

Publicado el marzo 13, 2023 03:23 MAÑANA por lindaebrahim lindaebrahim


Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 8, 2023 a las 03:14 TARDE EST


This photo was taken on March 8, 2023 in the College of Staten Island. It was taken at 3:14 pm EST. The weather is 46F and the wind is 16 mph. Humidity was 44%. It was sunny day. The tree is relatively small in size and the leaves look as if they are light green in color.


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