Hikes in Louisville by Sponsors and Friends of the CNC Bioblitz

While people can explore and take photos of plants, animals, and fungi ANYWHERE in Jefferson County for Louisville's iNaturalist City Nature Challenge Bioblitz (even plants growing out of sidewalk cracks!), our sponsors and other friends have graciously offered to take us on guided hikes in some of our county's natural areas! You'll have time to take photos of species along the way and then upload them to iNaturalist by May 2.


Saturday, April 29.
10 a.m.-noon. Hike at Beargrass Creek State Nature Preserve. Focus on wildflowers and wildlife. Meet at the Louisville Nature Center (3745 Illinois Ave, Louisville). This is a ticketed event. LNC members FREE.
SIGN UP HERE: https://www.louisvillenaturecenter.org/camps-and-events/city-nature-challenge-inaturalist-bioblitz
Sponsored by the Louisville Nature Center

11:30- 1 p.m. Hike in the Parklands of Floyds Fork with Ranger Naturalist. Erin Kinnetz. Meet at the PNC Achievement Center in Beckley Creek Park for a short info session followed by a hike nearby to capture pictures of as many species as you can!

3:00-5:00 p.m. Hike in Iroquois Park with naturalist Jacob Crider. Focus on wildflowers and birds. Meet at the Iroquois Park amphitheater parking lot by the gazebo.
Sponsored by the Louisville Audubon Society

Sunday, April 30.
9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Hike in Cherokee Park with naturalist and expert birder Major Waltman. Focus on birds. Meeting Place is the intersection of Maple Rd. and the scenic loop. For more information and for registering free for this hike, go to this website: https://www.olmstedparks.org/events/event/interpretive-bird-hike-cherokee-park/
Sponsored by the Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy

10:00 a.m. -12:00 noon. Hike in Waverly Park with naturalist Ruth Meers. Focus on wildflowers and mushrooms. Meeting place is the Playground parking lot.

2:00-4:00 p.m. Hike in Cherokee Park with ecologist Professor Margaret Carreiro. Focus on wildflowers. Meet at Hogan Fountain.
Sponsored by Wild Ones Louisville

2:00-4:00 p.m. Hike in Shawnee Park with Rev. Lee Payne, Jr., President of Louisville Audubon Society. Focus- all wildlife and plants but birds for sure! Meet at the Boat Ramp.

Sponsored by the Louisville Audubon Society

Publicado el marzo 30, 2023 03:14 TARDE por margaridamaria margaridamaria