Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)

This photo was taken in the College of staten island. The time the photo was taken was 11:14 am EDT on April 3, 2023. The weather was 52 celsius and humidity was 43% and the precipitation was 0% and the wind was 8mph. It was a sunny day. The flower is yellow and small and it has a brown little bee on it.

Publicado el abril 13, 2023 04:12 MAÑANA por lindaebrahim lindaebrahim


Fotos / Sonidos


Abeja Melífera Europea (Apis mellifera)




Abril 3, 2023 a las 11:14 MAÑANA EDT


This photo was taken in the College of staten island. The time the photo was taken was 11:14 am EDT on April 3, 2023. The weather was 52 celsius and humidity was 43% and the precipitation was 0% and the wind was 8mph. It was a sunny day. The flower is yellow and small and it has a brown little bee on it.


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