Automatic aggregator -- if you observe a carnivore in DFW, it will automatically be added to the project!

I just turned on the 'automatic aggregator' for this project. The two rules: the observation must be within the DFW metroplex and it must be of the order Carnivora.

Set up some camera traps, look for tracks, and always keep that camera ready! Thanks for all of the contributions.

Publicado el diciembre 2, 2016 05:23 TARDE por sambiology sambiology


FYI, I've been following a pack of 5-6 Coyotes in the last year by the Meadowmere Park area in Grapevine. All very healthy looking. One Coyote with the Mange has been spotted repeatedly in the Carillon Estates area by neighbors (Southlake - White Chappel & Hwy 114). A huge thank you for tracking them. It's wonderful to see them and it's my hope that these creatures can thrive within this area.

Publicado por cdsanders hace más de 3 años

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