wildflower report for Science Friday?

Looks like I'm going to be on Science Friday tomorrow morning talking about iNat, wild flowers, and citizen science, noon-12:40 PDT. I've reached out to a few of you but just in case anyone else is reading, anyone else in the U.S. want to report some of their favorite recent wildflower sightings, or what you think folks interested in wildflowers should be looking for at this time of year in your part of the country? I'm looking at the data of course, but it's always nice to hear from people directly.

Actually, reports from anywhere would be interesting if you've got them. Not sure how many people listen to SciFri outside of the U.S, though.

Also, I think it's a call-in section (?), so call in!

Publicado el marzo 23, 2017 10:42 TARDE por kueda kueda


Will this run on NPR @kueda

Publicado por danomaha hace más de 7 años

It depends on your local public radio station, so check their schedule. You can also listen online at https://www.sciencefriday.com/listen

Publicado por kueda hace más de 7 años

Any chance of an observation boom like back in august?

Publicado por danomaha hace más de 7 años


Here in the Sierra Nevada foothills at about 2,000 - 2,800 feet, Trillium angustipetalum, our showy red trillium (or wake robin), found in shady locales, is just opening up, as is Calochortus monophyllus, yellow star-tulip, with it dense, hairy sepals, single flowers emerging from the base of a pair of long, lanceolate leaves, often sprawled across the ground. Another early marker of Spring that has just started opening up is the Grand Hound's Tongue, Cynoglossum grande, with leaves already larger than any hound's and its distinctive clusters of blue and white flowers. The recent splash of yellow in many places is the common Western Buttercup (Ranunculus occidentalis), its many-branched inflorescence creating clouds of yellow in the Ponderosa Pine understory.

Enjoy the show.

Publicado por garyg hace más de 7 años

Looking forward to listening tomorrow! If you can sneak in the CNC somehow I will buy you multiple beers or other drinks of your choice. :)

Publicado por kestrel hace más de 7 años

Cool! That's a great place to promote iNat. Good luck!

I'll have to track down the podcast when you're done. I used to listen to Science Friday a lot when I lived in the US.

Publicado por jon_sullivan hace más de 7 años

I always listen to the podcast edition of Science Friday so I'll probably listening to it in the next couple of days. Very exciting!

Publicado por vermfly hace más de 7 años

Well, didn't get to mention any users or CNC. Sorry! Was waiting for the right question...

Publicado por kueda hace más de 7 años

You did great @kueda! @rebeccafay & I were sitting in her car in a parking lot in the pouring rain listening & tweeting!

Publicado por kestrel hace más de 7 años

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