Casting a Wider Net

Temperatures are climbing, and the southeastern woods are ringing with loud cicada choruses! More observations are coming in of holes and nymphs in Brood XIII territory, so they're not far behind their southern cousins. Keep an eye out for the black patches on northern nymphs, which will appear just before they're ready to emerge and undergo their final molt.

In light of all the records coming in, I've broadened the project parameters to include "Needs ID" observations. I hope this will reduce the pressure on identifiers and relieve frustration for contributors who have submitted observations that aren't appearing in the project. It's easy to see just the RG observations by ticking one box in the filter panel, so let's welcome all Magicicada observations to the party!

Misidentifications of Magicicada are relatively uncommon, and usually consist of annual cicada skins or nymphs (which will have a broader, rounder thorax and are often greenish), CV misidentifications of species like Okanagana and Platypedia (which can typically be filtered out by range), and the occasional bee fly pupa, a.k.a. "sky shrimp" (go figure!).

As more adults emerge, remember that (at least for species ID purposes), underside photos of fully darkened adults are everything!

Publicado el mayo 2, 2024 06:23 TARDE por weecorbie weecorbie


Still none here in Northwestern Louisiana, I've been looking though and I'm sure I'll find one soon.

Publicado por cicadaandwaspenth... hace 6 meses

Hoping to make a trip out to St. Louis area for neotredecim whenever that portion of the brood is out in force, it seems maybe a week or two away? It doesn't seem like there are many active iNat users in that part of the US, surprisingly. I haven't had any response from anyone there recently.

Publicado por silversea_starsong hace 6 meses

@cicadaandwaspenthusiast - though there are some historical records in NW Louisiana, they haven't reappeared in recent emergences (here's 2011 on iNat; all the same, it would be great to keep your eyes peeled for any!

@silversea_starsong - the first records of adults have started coming in from the "overlap zone" (catching me off-guard for the first few IDs!), so neotredecim ought to be emerging quite soon.

Publicado por weecorbie hace 6 meses

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