Ask a Lichenologist August 13 (tomorrow) night!

Tomorrow CALS members are going to get together online to look over some of your contributions to this project. We're going to try and use Google Hangouts agin, so check out the Society's Google Plus page tomorrow (Aug 13) at 7:30pm PDT. Last time we had at least a few folks watching live.

Publicado el agosto 12, 2013 08:32 TARDE por kueda kueda


Oh, missed that but hope it went well.

Publicado por microm hace alrededor de 11 años

If you're interested you can watch the recording at

Publicado por kueda hace alrededor de 11 años


Publicado por microm hace alrededor de 11 años

Is this project still happening? I haven't seen anything identified in quite a while.

Publicado por microm hace casi 11 años

We just haven't scheduled another sit-down for a while. We're probably overdue.

Publicado por kueda hace casi 11 años

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