Calling All Insect Experts and Enthusiasts!
Insect experts and enthusiasts, we need your help! Our Calgary Pollinators Project has over 6000 observations and we need your help to confirm the identity of the insects. While there is still snow on the ground and not too many insects flying about, we would appreciate your help to ID the insect observations in our project. If you know anyone else who may be interested in helping with our project, feel free to tag them in the comments. We greatly appreciate your help and thank you for your time! - Justine
@gpohl @mothmaniac @jimjohnson @robertgbrown @kyhlaustin @zealouswizard @pfau_tarleton @ianswift @malisaspring @matthias22 @rlongair @susanna_h @jglasier @trevorsless @beespeaker @beeboy @beesofcanada @johnascher @neylon @bdagley @rustybee @tockgoestick @tjneame @edanko @zdanko @trinaroberts @matthewvosper @giantcicada @sbbrown