Calling all Naturalists!

The Chester Conservation Commission, in partnership with Moosewood Ecological LLC, is hosting a town-wide bioblitz the weekend of June 1-2, and you are invited! Weather permitting, in-person events will be held on Saturday (rain-date Sunday), including guided woodland and wetland walks and a community bioblitz check-in. We'll also have an information table set up at Spring Hill Farm (96 Towle Road, Chester, NH) from 8am - 4pm to answer bioblitz questions, provide hand-on iNaturalist help, and assist with identifications. Can't make it on Saturday? No problem! All observations submitted within the town of Chester on Saturday and Sunday will contribute to this bioblitz. Check out the event description for more details, and please comment with any questions you may have.

Tagging iNat users who have submitted at least 30 observations within the vicinity of Chester this past year (apologies if you are no longer in the area): @tcullinane @colleen99 @bri0904 @lshepstew @natemarchessault @bgaudubon @tstinn @matthew883 @naturequ33r @katbird22 @peapod4 @albatross112 @evynathan @kelsie60 @kathy10901 @calicoarthropod @afernandez2 @jmcguigan @rte1122 @brigoud @stevemirick @david8085 @myk_i_am @hubica64 @willbpayne @nhaperkins @dpouliot @sd-603 @vulturine

And a few folks who may be willing to travel in the name of bioblitzing: @lynnharper @karolina @billryerson @nick2524 @radbackedsalamander

Feel free to tag others!

Happy iNatting,

Publicado el mayo 15, 2024 06:00 TARDE por slamonde slamonde


Thank you for tagging me. I will be nearby and plan to participate. Are there specific sites you want covered? It might be helpful if someone familiar with the area listed a few potential locations besides Wasson Pond and the walking trails on Towle Rd.

Publicado por lshepstew hace 5 meses

Thank you for asking! We are working on a list of sites that are available to the public, and will have maps on hand at "bioblitz headquarters" at Spring Hill farm. I will also add a new journal entry to this project when our list of sites is ready.

Publicado por slamonde hace 5 meses

Thanks for the tag, but I didn't notice this until just now (otherwise I would have tried to be there). I feel like it should be easier to know about local bioblitz happening near me, as I often find out too late?? Maybe these can be listed under Projects Nearby?

Publicado por rte1122 hace 4 meses

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