May 24, 2013

Today, I had in mind to find some lizards and a rattlesnake since I know the territory where this crotalus lives. Nature had other plans. The day started with a ladybird on the windshield of my car, at home. I had to take a shot, of course!

Parking at the beginning of the trail at Rios Canyon Rd, I headed for "Lilac Alley" where Ceanothus tomentosus grows and the Rattler lives. No sign of him today. I cut across to the next trail West and found a Calochortus weedii; my first ever.

Butterflies and bees are busy on the California Buckwheat and around. Fleeting lizards did not give me a chance to observe them as they promptly hid. Birds could be heard but hardly seen.

I made it to the outcrop before the trail heads down to the meadow, met another plant I am not sure I have met before, and, returned to my starting point.

Oh the joy of finding a pair of Western Bluebirds probably cleaning the bugs off my car!

Publicado el mayo 24, 2013 11:34 TARDE por microm microm


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