What makes a good photo for this project?

  • Sharply-focused, close up, high-resolution color photos.
  • Show the features used in bee identification:
  • a top view showing wing veins and abdomen details
  • a front shot of the face
  • a full side shot of the bee
  • Take several photos from all different angles, then pick the best.
  • iPhones can take really good photos, but zoom in on bees by getting as close as you can (not by using the digital zoom on the screen). And no filters; just raw photos.

With all that being said, don't let perfection get in the way of making a good observation. Just start shooting! If you're new to this, you'll get better as time goes on.

If you have any questions or are looking for tips, feel free to message me.

And please share any tips and tricks for taking great bee photos in the comments below!

Publicado el junio 17, 2018 07:08 TARDE por bymattkelly bymattkelly


@pfau_tarleton has a great guide to the Bombus of the southern states, too:

Keep up the bee tracking! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 6 años

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